Mystery Heroes - Respawn as same hero

First noticed it today. I had several normal games, then one where I initially spawned as Torbjörn, followed by two deaths and two more Torb spawns.


this happened to me too (this patch), its been happening since last patch I believe but its still going on.


Had the same issue across multiple games. It happened at least a dozen times over the course of like 8 games.

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Same problem. Would only spawn me as Tracer.
Then tonight, 4 games in a row, enemy teams are bastions and torbjorns the whole game. Literally 4 games in a row.
Mystery is so busted it’s not even funny.


Bumping this as well since it’s flat out ruining Mystery Heroes games.

Last night we had a game where the enemy team had THREE bugged players that all had Pharah. Each was killed multiple times but we faced the same three for the entire round.

There is almost no fun to be had when you overcome seemingly insurmountable RNG…only to have the same comp reappear again and again while you pray for something useful. This is seriously going to make my friends quit the game if it’s not fixed and I’d really like them to keep playing.

Has not been added to known issues yet.

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Here to report this is happening to me as well in Mystery Heroes. Most days it happens, I get the same player twice in a row - not from me falling off the edge or blowing myself up - after the enemy team has killed me. Today I was Zen three times in a row. Another match today I was Reaper, then Hog, then Reaper twice in a row again. If I wanted to play the same character after dying, I’d do anything but MH.

This same thing has been happening to myself, my husband, and my son. I know for a fact it’s not suicide for myself and my husband. Sometimes you get a character that you might be sick and tired of playing, let the enemy kill you to re-spawn as a different character, and then get the same one! If I wanted that, I wouldn’t be playing MH! Come on now! Noticed this happening around Echo patch time. Seems to be getting worse and happening more frequently. Also have seen people in chat during match say they got the same toon multiple times.

Another bump.

No mention on known issues.

Maybe this was intended by Blizzard? I’ve noticed a lot more duplicate heroes recently as well and this is probably due to it. I think Blizzard might have made this change and just not said anything. I think it’s fine because it reminds me of classic mystery heroes where you had a chance to switch to any hero.

Happened with me too, at least two times in same match. Maybe it is intentional.

This is happening a lot. It has happened to me multiple times, and my teammates.

I thought I was going crazy. I had a match it gave me genji 4x tonight

Mystery Hero is by design supposed to switch you heroes upon death. If it was an intentional change all that blizz needs to do is tell us otherwise I assume it is an ongoing unacknowledged bug.


Well put. A statement of intent, one way or the other, would clear away this uncertainty and make the mode more enjoyable.

Since the Mystery Heroes “Prepare to Defend” bug is also still there, I would assume this is just an unacknowledged bug.

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I pretty much exclusively play Mystery for the RNG and associated chaos. This bug has been highly noticeable and problematic for months on end already.

Nice to see something so obvious isn’t even in the list of acknowledged bugs.


Just bumping again for viability, new patch, still not fixed.

Bump - my gf and I have this problem constantly.

I literally only play MH and this is a huge annoyance. Plz fix Blizz.

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