Mystery Heroes: Hero Stacking

On my main Account, I once had a game in MH where the enemy team had 5 winstons and a mercy. Took a while to kill the winstons because of all the cleave damage he does but then with the old mercy she rezed them all at once. LMAO

Not on a mode that is based entirely around RNG.


Stands up

Claps loudly while cheering

RNG with hero limit is a terrible idea. I don’t care how one sided the fight is. Having 5 heroes removed from your next RNG respawn because they are already on your team is an utterly terrible idea.

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It’s not entirely rng tho… It’s the most dominant attribute, but it’s not only about rng. I don’t see a problem with decreasing the rng base, but it’s really matter of opinion.

It would be better to replace the MH slot with Uprising and Retribution (alternating each day) and add MH to the list of daily modes.

Overwatch needs solid PvE content and those modes deliver it, plus they contain actual lore to enjoy and engage in.

Regarding the thread topic, hero stacking needs to go. It kills the fun of the mode when the enemy team high rolls with a favorable stack that is often impossible to counter.

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Yes, replace the single most popular mode with a mode that is a wasteland after a week despite only being playable 3 weeks a year.

This is a separate issue entirely, but does that not say something about the available game options that MH is the most popular? They have yet to add any new game modes since the introduction of Arcade, except for making current game modes have a ‘mystery’ option (i.e. deathmatch)

A wasteland? I had near instant queues in those modes up until they left.

You want to know why MH is popular at all?
Because neither Uprising or Retribution are on there. Imagine that.

Many, many people only play arcade to get their weekly boxes, and I guarantee you those people would rather play those convenient modes over MH.

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I understand the frustration, but the only change I would make to improve MH -without touching anything about the aspect of randomness- is to limit KotH maps to just one game instead of the 2 game win we have now.

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No, I’ve talked to many, and they don’t like it. You do not get to decide what most people like


Lol, I have respawned as healers many times in a row

You can’t honestly believe a pve with the exact same content every play through would even be in the top 5 most popular modes, can you?

MH, the way it is, is the most popular by data and polling, independent of its availability. That’s the REASON they leave it always available.

My likes in this thread would suggest you are wrong.

This, its too bad most people who actually play MH and see their comments in chat on a regular basis aren’t on here.

It’s too bad most people who like MH the way it is also dont post on the forums. Do you see how sampling works? There’s no correlation between your attitude towards hero stacking and the likelihood you’ll be on the forums.

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Papa Jeff said once they were going to look to implement a different version of Mystery heroes (without stacking, maybe even a slight role enforcement), meaning the appeal must’ve been large enough. However, with everything else they have their hands full on, it’s probably at the bottom of their list.

Personally I think a good compromise would be that the chance for duplicates would just become progressively lower the more there are on the team.
For example: now the chance to get Tracer is 1/29 regardless of how many Tracers there are on the team. In this idea the chance would become for example 1/29 * 1/2 when there’s already one Tracer, 1/29 * 1/2 * 1/2 when there’s two etc.

Funny, I’ve heard someone else say this… oh wait.

Get more original arguments, just like your first one.

Evenif every like was made by different person, it’s still like 50 people. that’s still not every person who plays mystery. Hero, there are a lot more than that

Add up your likes. Add up mine.

Or stick with your incredibly biased anecdotal evidence from what your teammates say in a game.

Funny, because 97% of people in my games favor hero stacking! See how asinine that line of arguing is?


There are many more people who play mystery heroes. You are getting a very very very small percentage of who plays, and you cannot make inadequate decision based on that