My worst Comp Season Ever

I’ve fallen 300+ SR and the losses keep stacking. I have not been this low in SR in 7 seasons.

Note to Blizzard. The PS4 players are throwing matches left and right because it’s their 2nd or 3rd account. My win/loss is determined by whose team gets the leaver. Just a lottery draw now.


Maybe duo with someone who doesn’t ragequit or disconnect. And if I am correct, it is normal to fluctuate over 300 SR. My general rule of thumb: Stop after two losses

If your problem is constant leavers, play in a 6 stack. You can use LFG and if leavers are that big of a problem there you shouldn’t have trouble putting together teams.

That’s why it’s a dumb idea to give you a rating based on your idiot team.


They desperately need to create a Team SR for people who want to create, name, practice, and play as a 6 man team.

They need to stop giving random players, just trying to have fun, a rating based on which random throwers and leavers you get.

Obviously people can’t stand it (see the forum for two years straight.)

Get rid of it.


Yeah, tying pbsr to win/loss (in terms of you can only gain if you win) is weird and causes so much bs. Make it true pbsr up to diamond where people have now proven themselves mechanically and gamesense wize. Below, consistent good players will quickly rise, consistent bad players will quickly fall, the matchmaker can be more accurate and you don’t have people wildly floating up and down constantly throwing off the matchmaker and ruining games.

Your team impacts personal performance. With a good team I could go 22-2 kd, get 14.5k heals in 2 rounds of Lijang.

With a terrible team that feeds and doesn’t kill anything, I might manage barely a positive kd, and heals might be 3k or less in 2 rounds.

I eagerly await guilds to ease 6 stacking.

Sounds good on paper, but waiting for a team to form in my rank would take an hour just to play one match.


Competitive in console it’s 100 times worse Whit the amount of Smurfs in it.
People just don’t try anymore, this has to be my worse season too.

I wish they had a personal rating not team one.

Unless you’re a godlike dps, your team’s success drives your success. Try supporting a team that feeds and dies all game vs. a team of solid players that position well, peel for you and group ip.

Try tanking for idiots that run ahead of your shields or go on mad flanks in all directions, and that are terrible and get no kills. Vs. Solid team mates that use your barrier, follow up your advances, keep you healed and deal with flankers.

Waaaa! I fell 300 SR. Waaaa!
I can drop 300-400 SR in a night.

And I’ve spent most of the past 2.5+ years below 500 SR. So yeah, very little sympathy. here.

Mine too. This is the first season that I’ve actually ever been Silver (or equivalent in s1). I’ve always placed and ranked gold, 2479 placed at my highest… and now I’m in the 1800s… I even placed Silver…

I took a bit of a break this summer from Overwatch and getting stuck in this bracket (where Bastion actually wipes teams) is really making me consider never playing comp again. It is unbearable and I’m tired of having to report and block half of my team for talking you know what.

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Big lose streaks aren’t that uncommon and nothing to worry about. I myself drop from mid master to low diamond like at least twice every season, and then a few days later I’m back up again. I don’t let it bother me anymore, it just happens and like I said you climb back up again :slight_smile:

Comp is getting worse and worse every season on console because of a number of things Blizzard are just too slow to fix.

Hero balancing could be fixed so much quicker.
There are still issues with shots not connecting on console.
Smurfs… Everywhere
LFG teams disband the second a loss is encountered
Endorsements mean nothing


I’ve dropped from master to mid plat one season but now I’m currently at my career high. These things happen, you probably just need to refocus your gameplay. Outside of that, I say maybe find someone to duo or trio stack with. You don’t need a 6 stack to find a few less people that are likely to throw or will have synergy with you.

Overwatch competitive in console is the worst game experience in an amazing game. People don’t understand how bad it is. The worst part is the lack of response by blizzard. It’s like they enjoy this clusterf#$_

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This has been my personal worst season as well. I solo que because I don’t have time for LFG and it’s horrible. You’re either stuck with a thrower, one trick, or leaver, or you are playing against a smurff team. My last two matches are a perfect example. Match 1: enemy team had a smurff Genji who just destroyed our back line (I play support) and then spawn camped us. Surprise! We lost. Match 2: my team runs pirate ship and we stream roll. Two people leave on the other team before round two and we won. Neither of these matches were enjoyable. Give us role que, a fixed 2,2,2 lineup comp, and punishment for cheaters.

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