My team vs the enemy Tracer

I was solo main healer. We had a, an Ashe, a Mccree, a Sombra, and Mei.

Granted, this was QP, but non of these supposed counters even made this low level (relative to our team) Tracer have to even think. She ended up trying to spawn camp me becuase she got bored. Oh, and she was the only enemy to be on fire (when multiple of us were in comparison) and we lost, just so you know (she carried)

But Tracer is “fair and balanced” and “doesn’t need any counters” and “Brig should be nerfed”.

Keep this up, we won’t have anyone left playing healer, or tank for that matter.

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Did they try to get her? Just because you have a counter picked doesn’t mean they are doing it right.

A moira has a decent chance if she doesn’t waste her orb.

Yes, consistently. Didn’t matter of course.

In my mind hog is now the only true counter that exists

Here’s hoping bunker becomes meta…

You are going to play against players that are better than you some times.

Take the defeat and move on to the next game.

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You can’t insinuate their horrible little poster child was a mistake and needs to be changed.
you’ll be eaten alive, she’s a dps you know, and dps aren’t allowed to be crapped on like supports and tanks.
Thank you, next :roll_eyes:

I heard this for many seasons until brig came out!

This is back to the future boys!!! only is back to the past!!!

“Team I need help. I’m being spawn camped by Tracer. Sombra could you hack her?”

All heroes should have counters and all heroes should have a niche.

I really hope Tracer doesn’t become too oppressive again with the Brigitte nerfs. If she is, then I really hope the developers will nerf Tracer to tone her down a bit.

yeahh because sombre wasnt effective at all against Doom and he got nerfed anyway.


For a sombra player is way easier to hack doom instead of tracer but hey!!! A tracer smashed you and is because she/he is a good player. Same with doom and he should be nerfed!!!

In QP, on Console?. Not to say my team didn’t try to help, but voice is meaningless.

Only reason she stopped is becuase the cart got pushed to the next objective without her. As in, she was the only one on her team that could do that, as in she carried.

Just accept the fact that it was a good tracer, it’s the same as if a good widow or McCree killed you doesn’t exactly mean they are op she is just a hero that can essentially carry games if good enough

That’s a good point.

In this case would it be better to swap heroes and try dealing with Tracer (but you already said you tried this) or wait for one of your teammates to respawn and run together to the objective if communication isn’t possible.

But it also sounds like you had a bad team. They were missing a healer and they didn’t bother checking up on you. (Typical QP mentality.)

But any other flanker, I can have a good fight with, even Doom. Tracer is just a death sentence, no point in even trying.

That’s what really annoys me.