✳ My Support Balance Patch/Mercy Rework (No Mass Rez)

loving this as it adds more utility to mercy and would make her more viable as a pick

This is what i’m most excited about. I think this is a great alternative to rez and dare i say more useful of an ability as you can you use it more times than rez which is too problematic to have a side ability. It’ll make her so much more viable because of the fact she can counter cc and it adds to her doctor role of cleansing and helping people

not sure about this just because of the seed speed boost to damage boost and also having such incredible healing. There is a lot going on here to make mercy so much more impactful but I would tone this down to maybe 75hps main beam and 65hps on aoe.

I really like this because it donut take away mercy’s iconic ability but adds it in very skilful and balanced way to her kit. But if rez was also going to be 1 second cast time and with such great healing of valk, i’d either tone down healing or have a 1.25 cast time during valk just to still make it a bit more skilful

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Exactly what I thought.

Also titanium! I didn’t realize it was you, no wonder i was like “damn I love all these points”


That’s only if they follow the orb for 4 entire seconds without utilizing any healing ability, mobility ability, defense ability, or otherwise leave the vicinity or get healed.

That’s like saying torb’s turret should be nerfed cuz if you stand in front of the turret long enough you die.

All good then. :ok_hand:


Damage amplification never had a cap, to my knowledge. There is a maximum damage reduction, added after the Omnic Crisis Meta way back in… Season 3? A long time ago. The developers realized that Nano-Tank was a bit absurd when videos of Bastion face-tanking a D.Va nuke and taking only 5 damage went viral. The maximum damage reduction in the game is 50%, and I think that’s before armor reductions.

Putting a cap on speed amplifiers could be tricky because of the nature of the speed boosts. There are movement speed buffs, and there are base speed modifiers.

For example, Reinhardt’s Charge doesn’t change his base movement speed; it’s really just a +200% movement speed buff that holds W for the player. If you apply Lucio’s Amp It Up to that, you get a +260% speed boost from Reinhardt’s base movement speed of 5.5 meters/second, giving you a movement speed of 19.8 meters/second.

However, Valkyrie’s flight speed is not a movement speed buff; it changes the base movement speed of Mercy. It increases Mercy’s movement speed by about 82%, but it’s a base modifier, not a buff. As a result, it stacks multiplicatively with other speed buffs rather than additively. Instead of Lucio’s Amp It Up giving Mercy a +142% boost to her base movement speed of 5.5 meters/second to give Mercy a new speed of 13.3 meters/second, gives Mercy a +60% boost from 9 meters/second, giving her a new movement speed of 14.4 meters/second.

Adding a flat maximum to movement speed buffs would mess with a lot of other mechanics; as stated before, Reinhardt’s Charge is a movement speed buff. So are D.Va’s Boosters.

You could make the larger movement speed buff override the smaller ones to prevent stacking, but this opens another can of worms when considering movement penalties. If a target is getting frozen by Mei (20-70% decrease), sped up by Lucio’s passive aura (25% increase), and sped up by Mercy’s damage boost (35% increase), how fast do they move just before getting frozen? Does the 35% from Mercy override the 25% from Lucio completely, and the target gets a -35% movement speed penalty before freezing, or do they get a -10% movement speed penalty because the slow effect has to override another hidden 25% from Lucio’s speed aura? If so, how does the scaling work going from the speed boost to just before getting frozen? Does it stop at base movement speed until the freeze overrides that extra +25%? Does it stop at +25% until it finishes overriding the initial +35%? We get into some weird interactions if we limit the stacking of speed amplifiers, and I think it’s best to just avoid that instead of tuning everything else around it.

Besides, if a speed boost becomes too central to Mercy’s kit and the speed amplifiers don’t stack, then there’s a good chance that when Mercy is viable, Lucio is not, and when Lucio is viable, Mercy is not.

I’ll also be honest: I want to see that +95% movement speed Reinhardt, even if it’s just for 3 seconds out of the entire.

To a degree, I can see where they are coming from. Lucio was pretty well balanced back in season 4, and if he’s been buffed quite a bit since then (Wall Ride buffs, aura range increase, another 250 shields on Sound Barrier). At the same time though, I’m also thinking…

“Have you guys seen McCree?”

Well, at least you admit it. That’s a lot better than most people on these forums. :laughing:

It is cheesy, but those random cross-map kills are funny as hell. Moira is basically the Junkrat of the support category.

  • Throws out a Biotic Orb just to get some ultimate charge.
  • Heals the team for the next few seconds.
  • “Triple kill!”

I wouldn’t mind that.

Then we’re in agreement in that regard.


I mostly like it, it’s just a bit weird to see her rez being relegated further and further away if that makes any sense. Well, at least this version would be more fun to use and I’d finally have an E that I can use more often.

Just wish we could do something with her unused reload for her staff, feels like a waste to just leave it even if I’m afraid it might bloat her kit…

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I love these suggestions, however they seem a bit too strong IMO.
Most of them would need toning back except maybe zens changes.

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I’m not the best with numbers, moreso just aimed at the general ideas/concepts, thank you for the feedback and critiques :smiley:


i don’t like the idea of buffing zen given how much he still continues to ebb and flow in and out of metas

at least if we are to buff him i wouldn’t want him to be stronger than he was in mercy meta, even if i think the idea of on-demand regen to be fun

I’m all for mercy buffs but this would make her OP. 60hps won’t happen but 55hps is likely. They won’t buff damage boost and I think blizz is afraid to add any more speed boost into the game.

That sounds like a bit too much.
Even if she’s losing Res. This should NOT stack with other speed multipliers.
Otherwise completely fine.

I’m fine with the cleanse, but clearing stuns seems like a bit much.
You already get to cleanse anti nade, so why should you also be able to cleanse sleep? That seems a bit like a slap in the face. Especially considering that it’s a skillshot, while Salvation would be auto target.

I think a stim pistol with a bursty heal/cleanse in one could potentially be REALLY cool though. (Maybe you could wrap the speed boost from the first idea onto it?) And would probably even play her if she had it.
Would definitely increase her skill ceiling, and there could be more room for potential power.

I’m going to refrain from giving my opinion here.
I’m neither for or against this. Sounds mostly reasonable.

I’m on board.

I’m on board.


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Yeah, I wouldn’t want it to stack with Lucio speedboost!

Agreed. In fact, the CC cleanse is something I added on. Originally it was just to clear negative status effects/debuffs!

Definitely a cool idea, yes, and would have everything be much more controllable and intentional!

Ty for the feedback on everything and on the other changes as well, much appreciated!

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These aren’t that bad I like most

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Wait… what? Mercy’s DPS-bit*h and you buff dmg boost like that? Instead of reducing it to 20%?

Other changes are very cool, tho.

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My logic is with 60 HPS she will be played as a main healer again so she can’t afford to be pocketing one DPS all match if she has a Zen/Lucio/Brig as her other support. But she could still be played with an Ana as one ofc

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Still makes no sense to overbuff damageboost

I don’t think ryan is trying to overbuff anything but rather has lot of ideas he wants to fit into one rework and just wants to see the community’s overall opinion before making the “finished product”. I think this is more of a prototype mercy 3.0 (all his ideas jammed into one that can be toned down later).

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This would absolutely destroy the game.

So your plan is to buff basically every part of Mercy’s kit to obscene degrees, despite her being balanced right now? OK, I guess we’ll all just go back to mandatory Mercy every game.

You’ve put her healing back at mandatory Mercy output levels. That alone is a problem. Except you also gave the most powerful ally buff in the game to her damage boost; another thing that alone would be unbalanced.

But lets not forget that Cleanse is also a very rare and valuable ability; better give her that too. Oh and it’s also burst healing and has very long range, because of course.

And oh man, better not forget making her ultimate provide about as much team durability as rally, while also making one target basically untouchable. And team-wide speedboost because sure. Guardian Speedboost because why not. Oh and can’t actually lose anything so Rez makes a return on her ultimate.

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I removed rez from her base kit in exchange for reverting her healing back to what it was for the majority of the game’s lifespan, buffed damage boost like Geoff himself said he wanted to, and gave her a pretty weak E ability compared to E rez. Then I shaved off 1/3 of Valk’s duration to give it some more healing. If you think these changes would make Mercy mandatory you’re insane, she was only mandatory because of how prevalent rez/instant rez was and these changes literally make rez even less common/less apart of her kit and gameplay.

lol. Nvm you clearly don’t understand how 60 HPS wasn’t making Mercy mandatory and she dropped out of meta a week and a half before her nerf even went live as soon as double sniper/Grav dragon died. Even Seagull has admitted the HPS nerf was a mistake and overkill and part of the reason GOATs came so strongly at us.

75 healing, aka one Ana shot! Insane burst!! Brig’s 150 health pack could never! Cleansing one person of anti nade when Ana can land it on 3-6 targets easily now that DM and barriers have been universally nerfed! Wowee!

Your entire post is filled with bias, exaggeration, and a clear PTSD from moth meta the stems from an ignorance on how the game, meta, and supports work. If you think numbers are too strong, that’s fine, other people left actually constructive feedback. But saying this would make her a mustpick again for 60 HPS alone is a joke, and OWL support players have said she needs it to be even be viable. Anyone who thinks 60 HPS would make her a must pick isn’t worth talking to.

Well I’m not worth talking to so you can just cease responding whenever you’re ready to make good on that particular claim!

75 healing + 60*.8 is 123 in a second, by the way. Oh and cleanse. You’re acting like having a burst heal + S tier utility is reasonable on a hero that is also getting the most reliable raw output in the game.

If you think adding speed boost, cleanse, hyper-buffing Valkyrie, and 60 hps are all OK then you’re insane. Each of those is an enormous buff by itself.

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