My Rank Is 900?

But, on my new account I’m 2200. Lol

Because your new account is new. It had no prior stats. You went in and played with the knowledge you had. Main account has months and years worth of stats.

It’s easy to place higher on a brand new account than getting that on a main.


Actually just months, and it’s perm banned now.

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Well… Idk what to tell you.

But my point still stands. It’s easier to place higher on a new account.


New accounts literally start at 2350. So you’re already on your way back down.


This isn’t right. People place higher or lower on fresh accounts. I feel like most do start around there, but it’s not the only starting point.

It is the starting point for every account at game 0. By the time you place you have played 5 games and moved.

One thing is for sure that new accounts have more potential to climb because they gain sr faster until the mmr gets settled on some value.

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How man placements did you win vs now? Did you play all the placement matches with thlhe orginial account in the fiirst season or or 2nd??

Did you actually have impact with the new account or got carried. I had to 2 accounts, played speed only lucio after 5 placements matches 1 ended in low silver and the other in diamond. The 1 with diamond had better teammates.

What roles were you playing?? What about your mindset? People tend to me relaxed and less toxic will trying with a new account vs playing on the main.

There so many questions but just giving out mumbers doesn’t mean anything if you haven’t asked these questions. Why do you think it is so easy for people who got boosted to stay in upper rank?

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I think it is roughly that now mostly since it’s only 5 placements now, if it was 10 placements still I’d 100% agree with you.

I really think they should change it to 10 placements instead of just 5 (for first ever placements only)

And my rank on this account is 3209 after a total of 11 competitive games. What’s the point?

900 sr ? how bad someone can be !

uh no? if your statement is true, where is the source.
When I ranked myself for the first time, I landed in silver with tank and support.
a friend started in all three on bronze. (he startet over a year before me with ranked)

I just find this system wrong if absolutely all seasons are considered.
Someone who only plays QP and only makes placements every season can move up relatively easily. But if someone only plays ranked he will eventually come to a point where he really has to play extremely better in order to move up just a little.

that is exactly my experience of me and my friend. I would be the QP player and my friend the rank player.
I mainly play DPS and some tank but practically no healer, and although I have little to no experience as a tank and healer and am clearly worse than my friend, I am ranked higher than him. Hell, when I was first ranked as a healer, I had 1700 while my friend had 1400. Most of all we played together as a support duo and he was definitely much better than me.

Somehow I have the feeling that the real reason we are not told how the system works and what it looks for is not so that it is not exploited, but to cover up how simple and bad the system is.

In WoT you can rank up yourself even if you are in the losing team (admittedly, in WoT there is only damage, damage made possible by reconnaissance, kills and blocked damage as maincategories)
But for that you have to be in the top 30%.

Anything under masters is also performance based. If you perform poorly, you’ll end up in the rank that the system thinks you belong into.

If you perform well and win most of your placement matches, you will place in gold or above.

Especially on a brand new account, level 25.

This is usually only happens when you throw. With 0 level endorsement showing your account has been actioned safest to presume that.

And you’ve been permaed on another account. Nothing more to see here.

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This is how the system works:
Game 0 you start at 2350 with 0 MMR confidence. Your SR is not visible until you finish placements. Your SR will move +/- 150-200 with each placement game depending on wins or losses. With each progressing game, your MMR gains more confidence, and the SR will move less and less with each game until it plateaus. This is why it is easier to move rank in the beginning, and harder after some time. Ultimately, how you move rank up is by winning.

For a deeper dive into it, you can read through here:


There is no question about this. If this were not the case these “Road to GM” videos would never be viable. Too many players are duped on how the system works, thinking just wins alone matter, when the stupid PBSR system is present undermining this.

A game with negative win rates where you can still climb in SR is just sus to start.