My rank hasn’t moved from Gold 3

I thought I was going crazy but, i got on Overwatch this morning and played 2 matches of rank and won them, and I was screen sharing my PlayStation. And after I won, my rank didn’t move at all? I’m gold 3 it should’ve ranked to Gold 2? And I won more then losing and played very well? My boyfriend noticed too my rank didn’t change

Edit: Bruh this is such a waste of time I have proof of finishing my 5 matches AGAIN just now and still Gold 3? Wtf


This isn’t a bug your just either unaware somehow or just having a major skill issue right now

Uhh no just cuz you have a skill issue don’t mean I do :skull: took me less then an hour from when I wrote what I wrote to finish my 5 matches their is proof this is a bug don’t reply stupidity man said unaware and completely ignored the “recording part” and I barley lose so please skidaddle I already talked to services


Winning 5 matches doesn’t garantee a tier change, let alone a rank up, it just updates your current rank according to the hidden mrm value.
Even if you didn’t get a lose in between the 5 wins it’s still possible your mrm value didn’t increase enough to rank you up so it wouldn’t change after the 5 matches

The 5 win 15 loss system doesn’t preventing your true rank from changing it just prevents you from being able to see it changing. Depending on your performance, it is possible for your rank to be adjusted to the same subdivision. If you are winning more than you are losing, then you should eventually climb ranks and vice versa. You might also be experiencing either the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

I already know what the mmr thing is if I didnt I wouldn’t have wrote this :woman_facepalming: I already said my stuff is bugged reread and Overwatch services already went through it and said it was


Coping so hard for being garbage at the game hope you stay hardstuck loser

I’m not hardstuck and it’s fixed :sob: coping cuz you’re mad that your stuff isn’t fixed get a life imagine trying to correct me. Dogsh1t game? Then leave youre so petty and such a fat azs on your gaming chair youre on the website trying to find methods of coping using excuses for you being hardstuck :-1::crazy_face:

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I’m having the same problem, my win lose rate is positive to yet I haven’t moved from bronze 4. It has happened several time now. I don’t think it’s a performance issue seeing as I usually get lots of kills and saves as a support character. But I’m not sure what to do anymore.


I’m not hardstuck??? I never said I was hardstuck what are you on about my guy? Getting so mad how insecure are you?

Jesus christ people are so stupid, read the Blizzard PUBLISHED documentation on how ranking up/down works, then post your actual W/L in that period. If you go 5 w 0 losses and dont move, yeah, you might have an issue, otherwise you’re just stupid.

As it so happens, there are an astonishingly large number of people experiencing rank adjustment issues exactly like this one. In fact, I compiled a list of them on my megathread if you would like to take a look. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put this and related thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads would be greatly appreciated.