My Profile "Does Not Exist"

Thank you to the GM I contacted for helping, I assume you aren’t supposed to name them. :PP They have directed me here, as it has no current fix.

Anyways, I went to support with a problem with my profile, for about a week now it says my profile “does not exist”… My profile will not update on external sites like Overbuff, and from forums it says it doesn’t exist at all.

Quick bug post, but there isn’t much for me to go off of.

EDIT - Complaining here seems to bring profiles back :PP


Same here … Since five days or so.

Same, last was able to see my profile 4 days ago.

Thanks for replies…


My account exists again after complaining here. Yours seems to be back as well. At least I can see your profile now.

I tried to check my profile earlier, it didn’t exist. When I checked someone else’s profile it was there. :thinking:

Oh nice, thanks for the info, I didn’t even notice, lol.

I have this issue as well (August 11, 2018), let’s hope complaining fixes it :smiley:

Good news! Your profile is back, thanks based bug forum admins :PP

IDK if this is the right form but I recently started playing overwatch again I had it before but couldn’t keep up with subscriptions for live so I had to stop at about level 20 and now I’m at level 32 and my stats all say 0 and it says I have no time played for anyone.

Hi! my account doesn’t exist as well. people say complaining here works so I am complaining i guess.