My personal view about Role Lock, I think they're pros and cons in this

Yes, I strongly dislike DPS comp and 222 is my preferable comp. It indeed annoys me when I’m the first/second player who selects DPS, others still select DPS. With the Role Lock, I can finally enjoy practicing DPS without worrying about others selecting DPS.

The huge con is that Role Lock partially kills Flexing where you can only flex within your role but not able to flex across roles. I formerly ‘one-tricked’ Mercy, now I’m Flex player. I really enjoy flexing as I fill what’s best for the team. In Overwatch, players are encouraged to have a diverse hero pool.

Also, Role Lock will not solve toxicity. It can be very tilting when there’re players who under-perform or don’t play around the team and you cannot switch roles because of Role Lock. There’re scenarios such as:

  1. Other team runs PharMercy and my teammate DPS continue playing Junkrat/Reaper/Doomfist. I cannot switch Tank/Healer to a hitscan DPS because of role lock. I’m not good at playing DVA and she can only solo-versus a strayed Pharah, force her out of the sky. Plus, DVA’s damage isn’t high enough to kill pocket-healed Pharah. Unlike hitscan DPS (e.g Ashe/Mccree/Widowmaker/etc), they’re capable to delete Pharah quickly.

  2. I cannot switch to the 3rd healer when one or even two healers don’t play around with the team. (E.g DPS Moira/Ana, Reddit Lucio, Mercy only pockets her duo friend, etc.)

  3. I cannot switch to a shield buster DPS. Like if other team cheese themselves behind Orisa shield and my teammate DPS continue playing Ashe/Widowmaker, while they don’t even bother to flank enemies around shields by finding another angle.

  4. Heck… when I’m under-performing as DPS. I can switch to a Healer or Tank, hopefully someone can take my spot, unless I’m super-selfish. Swap roles happens when a team has a lot of flex players. Once I swap role with my Healer as DPS, because I can’t play Sniper while my Ana can play Hitscans well and she manage to beat enemy Widow several times.

Forced 222 will reduce the creativity and comp varieties. Even though 222 is my preferable choice, it’s not always essential.

  • 6 Supports comp is fun, but of course it doesn’t work all the time.

  • 1 Tank, 3 DPS, 2 Heals is optional, like if your team needs more firepower and offensive capabilities.

  • GOATs or 3 Tank, 1 DPS, 2 Heals are viable answers if other team has insane Widowmaker who’s heavily enabled by pocket Mercy, while none of my teammates (including myself) can outplay enemy Widowmaker as Widowmaker.

  • 1 Tank, 4 DPS, 1 Heal (most likely Mercy) happened a lot back when the game was released, although this comp happens less likely now due to Mercy heal rate nerf and being a solo Tank really sucks without a 2nd Tank or double Healers. Unless the team has some heroes that can self-heal, so that Mercy can enable the Tank more. If the solo Tank is Hammond, he’s mobile enough to grab large health packs.


I don’t have much of a problem with 2-2-2 besides the creativity aspect and not being able to flex. My biggest concern is how will people feel after 2-2-2 settles in after the hype is gone.

Because this wouldn’t be the first time community is hyped about something then starting to disliking it after it settles in and I’m afraid of this happening.

all of a sudden everyone is a unicorn.

in the real world most people pick their role at the beginning of a match and stick with it for the whole match. very seldom do people switch roles mid match and it actually works. why, because you have a potato so your 5v6 and now a different role is empty. when it works is one of the 3 dps decided they wanted to win more than show off their leet skillz and picked up the tank or healer the didnt pick in the first place.

no one in comp reports this happening and working. but all of a sudden everyone who is against 2-2-2 is this magical unicorn mid match flex player that can carry a 5v6 fight or a 4v6 fight because both dps are potatoes. maybe in QP once in a blue moon, but if you could do this in comp you would be 1-2 ranks higher than you are.

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None of Pharah’s “counters” really counter her. Other Pharah players will agree with me. I used to be a high master/gm Pharah (Stopped playinf her some time back). You can play Pharah vs hitscan. Some maps Pharah can counter most hitscan heroes completely. The support and tank roles both have options to contest a Pharah like hitscan dps heroes would. Honestly, I’ve probably been rolled more times vs Dva Ana and zen comps more than I have with these dumb players going 3 hitscan dps.

These are just dumb players. Plus if you go a third dps, you switch off a tank or healer to do so. It’s still a trade off and either way you’re at a disadvantage. It’ll always be like this.

This is the one I agree with. But it’s worth it for me.

I think this needs to be done though. It’s really hard to balance so certain roles don’t just become the meta, not many players like this. Like Goats was some of the most boring comps for ranked, then quad DPS was only really fun for the DPS player. Your supports got farmed so easily, your tank had to play so conservatively. It’s also cancer to play against because they have so much space. I think it’s just better with limited creativity, it lets the devs balance the game in a way that everyone should enjoy and that actually works.

I couldn’t agree more.
Blizzard need to recognize that people get frustrated and give solutions that might not be the most rational. I personally think their main focus really should be adding more tanks and healers to make even amount of hero choices across the board.
I talked about this in depth on 2 2 2 is not the biggest issue, THIS is

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You mean like how LFG “saved the game”…and how every balance change is the worst ever only to not really change much at all?

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When playing Tank, it really feels hurting and annoying when teammates don’t play around with the Tank, not using the Tank utilities, etc. Instead of wasting my time telling DPS to play better, I can be the change by becoming the third DPS.
True, it doesn’t work everytime but losing the game as DPS feels much less hurting than lose the game while stucking in a Tank role.

Not for me. I can be biased as I play a lot of Supports and Tanks, thus I’m good with GOATs.
GOATs is where Tanks and Supports stick together, unite as one. We don’t need DPS where some of them act like they were ‘chosen ones’ to turn tables simply because they appear in the kill feed, POTG, etc.

“Boring or Cancer to play against” is subjective. I personally find unfun to play against Widowmaker, since she’s a character that can one-shot players while staying away from teamfights. Yes, her counters exist such as Dive heroes.
In some maps, there’s no way to counter Widowmaker who stands miles away from action and the only counter is having better Widowmaker on your team.
Widowmaker is being so oppressive in higher tiers, is one of reasons why GOATs comp exists as nobody likes to get one-shot, while Tanks can’t be one-shot.

Yup I’m glad you feel the way how I do. Because if this does fail we are stuck with it and that will be my biggest turn off with this game.

I’ll give it some time then I’ll make a post about it for all those people who thought it was going to work.

But hey I don’t mind being wrong about this and I want to be wrong about this. But so far history has repeated itself.

theres a post about how many likes/dislikes the dev update for role queue has gotten…you know as a sign of how much people like this idea…so i went and looked for the dev update for the LFG announcement…and the numbers were almost identical (like withing a few hundred)…it was actually hilariously similar…

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I feel as if people wanted Role Lock so they don’t have to worry about going against a 6 stack. Most who use or don’t use LFG say that they will go against a 6 stack who quote on quote “practices together a lot”. Like its not possible for 6 randoms to be in an LFG who all have better game sense and knowledge than you.

I used LFG in high diamond masters game with players who didn’t speak english and we won goats mirrors 7-0 me and my friend didn’t understand a word they said besides character names but it worked.

How is this any different if you’re waiting 10 minutes to get a game. All I know is the salt will be real when waiting 10 minutes to play a game and get steam rolled just to lost and wait another 10 minutes.