My own screech into the void- N7 salt on Brig

I didn’t see your post as you hating her, necessarily. :no_mouth: More so how her kit currently functions.

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I guess when someone has a lot to say and a lot of spare time on their hands, they start talking.


You forgot the optional projectile/Hitscan dependent on hip fire or scope usage.

So let’s make it 10.

Top 20 statements of 2020 right here!
Although, I think a swan could do more damage. This OP is extremely long (like dissertation long) so I’m going to save the other two thirds for a later time.

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You work at Kelly Moore paints?

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This is a long post to describe, “I don’t like Brig and she needs more nerfs.” Like Sweet Christmas, just say that.


I see the example you’re trying to make, but I think a better analog would be to hypothetically increase bio nade speed. I say this because I classify whip shot and bio made under “utility” because it is not what I deem “hard cc” (roots, stuns, freeze, sleep)

Hmmm. I see the close range comparison you make, but I wouldn’t classify reaper as “melee.” Melee-ranged, yesss. But I’d call Doomfist a melee hero before reaper simply because he uses his fists and actual melee weapons. Doom has shields too :o

Where’s brig’s one shot? Environmental potential?

Brig is basically a 1 Star Mary Sue, with less damage.

Maybe incorporate some sort of kryptonite into her kit. She already suffers to Hitscan, so just give her a Damage multiplier from all sources of Hitscan?

Good metaphor for her positioning requirements.

I’ve never thought of it this way…

…she is particularly crafted in a way to kind of please everyone. The amount of liberty taken with nerfing and readjusting her numbers shows how little thought is put into this amoeba.

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Fair enough. I was following cc to target. That Ana hits only one.

But I think your base argument is also good as I too don’t consider whip to be hard cc. Plus nade now, unlike at the time of this post, the hot spot. So the likeness is more easily seen

He do. But I think his positioning is more like Lucio and dependent on mobility.

… She doesn’t really “fit” to other heroes like Ashe or echos additions do

Yes! It’s something I miss from open que… Lucio brig on ilios as boop buddies… I can’t plan that anymore :pensive::pensive:

The armor need showed me that it is in fact, the inherent value of armor that makes the packs good. Because she didn’t really do worse anywhere. Not enough to warrant this huge chunk of a nerf.

How much more does it have to be needed to not be good? That’s literally where she is at with packs right now .

They KNOW packs are too good. But nerfing them does in fact make the ability gutted.

If numbers don’t matter until gutted…something is fundamentally WRONG imo

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I usually employ Luci-Brig on control maps. It works especially well on…well… Lighthouse, Garden, and Downtown are also prime maps for the pair.

Give me 150 Rally armor cap back, and I’ll be okay with changes to the armor granted from repair packs.

I think the main issue that should be addressed is the 1-shot potential of snipers because Repair Packs are one of the only things that can stop snipers from dominating every squishy hero once again.

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Especially consistently. There’s a reason Ashe was fine and now has hate even tho her dmg hasn’t changed.

Side note:
Hmm…I wrote this feeling salty. but reading it now a while later… I feel it actually reads very…sad :frowning: omg. I feel bad now :disappointed:

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I know this post is about Brig and all that, but this is exactly how I felt about Batman. There’s never really any suspense with him, in my opinion. No matter who he’s up against, no matter what adversary, he’s going to win. Even when he loses, he wins. He literally shot faster than the speed of light at one point. I hate how he’s supposed to be a regular human, but he’s just not. If he was, it would be different, but he’s just not. Not even the strongest man in the world can effortlessly bench over 2k lbs like Batman has been shown to do without breaking a sweat. There’s Heroes like Taskmaster who are similar to Batman, but they’re so much more interesting because if Taskmaster doesn’t constantly watch martial arts movies or even remind himself of his own memories, hell forget that stuff. Batman just knows everything all the time. I hate him because he can’t lose. I hate it.

Just my own rant on your rant post :joy:

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I mean, meh. Writers vary. I know what you mean but tbh that’s any hero in any comic.

The animated series is my basic intro to the bat and homie got decked …a lot.

I welcome rants. It’s pure

well i suppose this whole pandemic is really taking it’s toll on people nowadays.

i got to moms spaghetti and was like, wtf is this?
anyways, stay safe and keep healthy, hope you feel better.

also batman is just a new version of robin hood, don’t @ me.

i- forgot what I just read. it was too much. then I went to the begining again and saw Spiderman and skittle brain and I just- I need a minute maybe a nap idk

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I wrote this ages ago… :kissing:

Nah. Batman wasn’t poor to begin with. He got issues.

depends which story of robin hood you prescribe to, where he is a nobleman who does vigilante justice unto the corrupt for the betterment of society no matter the status of those he carries his justice out on, has a band of merry men.

yeah nothing like batman, the difference is that he’s not a furry who dresses up in an animal costume.

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You have wrote more in this post than I do for most of my essays!!

3612 words, WTF dude!

Ah, I’ve never heard the nobleman idea. And idk…I don’t consider Batman’s fight against “the rich”

I’d probably like him better. Lol

Did you expand the smaller sections? It should be closer to 9k

he doesn’t have a problem with the rich exactly, but more so the rich who are corrupted and people who oppress the people for their own gains in an immoral way.
sheriff of nottingham uses his authority for his own purpose, the corrupt king and religious people in the kingdom pressing unreasonable high taxes on the people etc.
waiting for the true king to return from the crusade which he supposedly don’t mind.

batman kinda does the same thing, that’s why i called it more of a new version but kinda the same.
however the bat thing, well that’s all new, super heroes and super villains.

but think about it, before batman in his universe there really didn’t exist any super villains, more so maffia and thugs. but then batman came along and super villains started coming out of the woodwork.
strange how coincidentally linked those 2 facts are.

really, when were there a super villain existing before the super hero came to be?

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Well… Always. They are just more visual. Which I prefer. Vandal savage is one of my favorite Gillian’s for this reason.

And it’s a thing I find with “problems and solutions”

How we label or see a thing related to another. Gotham already was awful before Batman. The actions have changed but has the core issues?

That’s why I prefer “Bruce” to “Batman”. Where Batman is imo, not great because his weight, money, political sway is with Bruce. But, Bruce choosing a Playboy attitude for public view undermines his school, medical, and job support imo.

It’s a form of rejecting responsibility . And I don’t like it. Which is where I don’t like Robin hood (or what I didnt as I saw Disney’s and was like … ew). Taking from the rich does nothing

Core issues need to be addressed.

A common theme for most things imo including overwatch…thus this essay screech :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: