My Overall Feeling of Brigitte

This is a ludicrously overblown statement. Her drop off is that she doesn’t actually have any range. Any coordination by your team, or prioritization, would obliterate her given she makes any positioning mistakes. She can’t pocket people, either. Packs really aren’t that powerful and DPS can absolutely DPS through them. The healing she gives to her team isn’t a lot, either. It doesn’t negate DPS of even Winstons cannon.

Her shield is objectively bad. It’s 250 HP that any DPS can almost immediately chew through, regens slowly, and provides no more than a second or two of protection. Her bash has a long cooldown and only serves to punish dispositioning or ultimates.

…No, she doesn’t. At high levels of play, people can kill Lucio without needing a Brig for it, and Brig lacks the powerful utility of speed boost and Sound Barrier.

Yes, she counters tanks. Zen also does this. DPS also do this. Hell, other tanks do this. That’s because this game has counters.

Because Mercy is a poor healer. Nothing to do with Brig.

Awesome, buff shield break characters.

While I don’t even buy this, there are other options to change the game. BALANCE DOES NOT BEGIN OR END WITH BRIG CHANGES.

You have failed to provide a good example of this, and GOATS hasn’t been around for 2 years.

You have proved my point, actually. You are stuck in 2018.

Any range? She has a repair pack that travels across the map and peels people that are out position, whilst healing her entire team and surviving

LMAO SHES A SUPPORT HERO with a SHIELD, any amount of HP is good, her shield hp is more than all the other supports hp, meaning if you break Brig’s shield, any other support would’ve been dead by then, the point is her shield helps her against range heroes +25armor and inspire, she’s the tankiest support

I never said that people can’t kill Lucio without needing a Brig for it, it’s pretty obvious you don’t play in High Levels to understand but basically Lucio is non existent if Brig is meta, there is no need to play him when Brig does everything he does better.

Brig counters tanks? Zen counters tanks??? DPS counters tanks??? What rank are you to make you believe this? Dude, Lucio needs to be meta in Top level of play since half the tanks depend on his speed to be viable, Rein Zarya, Dva,

Mercy is a poor healer? She’s a great healer, but Brig heals more than her, easier too, while surviving more than her, and her pockets are as good as hers,

This shows your understanding of the game isn’t good, buffing heroes is how we got powercreep! Blizzard kept buffing Heroes that countered Goats instead of nerfing the cause of goats, Brig, no matter how many times they buffed all the DPS heroes, Goats was so bad they made 2-2-2 because they failed to stop it.

It’s crazy how when Brig isn’t being played, the entire community is happy and the entire roster of heroes opens up, just a thought.

I never said Goats is still around, I said she caused Goats for 6 months, literally taking out all the DPS heroes, which is most of the player base,

We have went over how repair pack isn’t good, and last I checked, repair pack doesn’t deal damage

right, and she still sucks and so does the shield




Explain to me how Discord doesn’t counter Ball and Hog. Explain to me how Reaper doesn’t counter Winston. And explain to me how Brig doesn’t counter both. That’s a laughable statement.

For somebody who s desperately wants to know my rank to prove your bad points, this is hilariously ironic.

This isn’t a point and it’s funny you have to dig this deep to try and prove me wrong. You don’t have any metric for player happiness with or without Brig, lmao.

I’m sorry this makes you babyrage so hard but you lack a good understanding because it appears to me your head is stuck in 2018.

I don’t know what I was expecting trying to debate a gold player, you just don’t understand the game

Repair pack is 55heals per second, that’s exactly like Mercy’s, you get 3 charges for it. When you can Press E on your keyboard and save your teammate across the map, that’s exactly sending a mercy at that player for 2 seconds, and you have 3 charges for that, Brig is literally able to press E on her keyboard 3 times and be able to send 3 Mercy’s that can heal for 2 seconds each, but Repair Pack is bad right.

Her shield does not suck, no other support has that tanky part on their kit, her shield helps her against Snipers, brig literally could take 2 shots from both Hanzo and Widow without touching her actual HP, don’t say her shield is bad that’s just dumb to say when it blocks sniper shots.

Discord is a strong ability, it doesn’t counter tanks, it’s just stronger on some heroes than others, such as Hog and Ball, it’s not a counter where you hard swap just because they have a zen and you’re playing Ball or Hog lmfao, actually it’s pretty neutral since Zen can’t peel himself against Hog or Ball so it’s a neutral.

Reaper counters Winston with SKILL and Decision Making, Brig counters Winston by EXISITING and having inspire up and holding Mouse 1, the problem is she counters with no skill against hard to play heroes like Monkey

The fact that you think Mercy is a bad healer just proves that you don’t understand the game. Maybe in gold she’s bad, but when the game is being played properly she’s really good.

Literally everyone who wasn’t a Brig Main was happy, Lucio can actually be played meaning all the tanks were playable again, Dive, DoubleShield, Poke, all these comps can be played without force, and most of the community finds Brig to be annoying to play against, which is a plus but an opinion

A Gold player? hm? Did you check my open q rank lmfao

You checked my profile but did a poor job at it. I’m a mid-plat Tank, Gold DPS, and Diamond support atm.

Your attempted rank shaming is woefully pathetic as you fail to actually get a good point across.

Which is funny, coming from a Genji main (somebody Brig counters lmfao) who’s parroting Samito points and is just as toxic as him, too.

Holding left click is a definite skill, yeah

I mean she’s pretty mediocre throughout the Roster. Bap, Zen, Ana are better choices pretty consistently.

You have no metrics for this and are talking completely out of your behind.

Again, you’re failing to make genuine points that don’t sound straight out of 2018 without raging all over your keyboard, so desperate to get a point over me ytou’re trying to rank shame.

Repair pack isn’t good? Yeah they took the armour overheal away from it. But it’s still really good. It has a decent range of 30m which is nothing to scoff at. Like the person above said it’s literally 55hps. for 2 seconds. with 3 charges. They are so easy to use, literal click of a button and looking in the direction of an ally. Not only that what makes them strong is they stack on top of inspire. A good Brig has inspire active as often as possible. So if you’re using repair pack on people now. It’s actually 70hps on any target you’re using them on. That’s literally Ana shot levels of healing for a short amount of time. Without the need to aim. And you’re not going to miss. 6 seconds isn’t that long of a cooldown either. They’re not particularly hard to manage.

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I wouldn’t consider it outstanding, no. Given it’s over 2 seconds, it’s ~110 hp, which is fine, sure, but nothing monstrous as its making it out to be. Charges are slow, and her main healing still comes from her being up close.

Repair packs require skill in the sense of managing them well.

Can they be good? Of course. But they aren’t broken, not in the slightest. Even with inspire going full steam and repair packs going as well, she’s still pretty much healing as much or even, in some situations, less than Ana or Bap, given they are at max healing output as well.

Due to DPS power creep this can still be chewed through, 70hps isn’t a terrifying amount of healing, or even ana’s healing “over time”

It literally says you’re a gold DPS lmao, that’s not your Open Q.

It’s not Rank Shaming, your literally Gold, you don’t understand the game, I’m Gold too, sorry not sorry for telling you the truth, but we’re both bad at the game, sorry I hurt your feelings.

I was a Genji Main but I play Hitscan now since they’re good, I play whatever is good, and if you’re trying to say the reason why I say Brig is op because I play Genji, what does that make of ML7, Gale, KarQ, Emongg, Flats, who aren’t DPS players but in fact tank and support players, why are they complaining about Brig too?

Yes, holding Mouse 1 and healing you and your entire team is a skill, lmaoooo

Ana is trash right now, Bap, Brig is meta with Zen,

There are metrics, you can go back a month and see twitter posts and some people on the forums happy

Brig is a DPS hero?

I’m Gold in DPS, yeah.

Because I’m not a good DPS player.

I’ve been playing the game for 4 years dawg. I’m not claiming to be awesome, lmao

You’re trying really, really hard to get a point on me to talk about a class that doesn’t actually mean anything to the current conversation, let alone one I actually play. I play Tank and Support. Not DPS.

No?? I never said that, she’s in the support category?

That’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with being bad or being good at the game, I’m trash at this game too

Your Tank and Support are Plat and Diamond, those ranks the game isn’t being played properly

Mm, so why does my DPS rank matter?

Sure, I’ll replace my words, you’re in Plat in Support so you don’t understand why Brig is overpowered in the highest level of play

Brig is a really cool character with a really cool lore and awesome character design, that being said the way her kit works right now in the game is just overpowered, no matter how many times you nerf her she’s still gonna be meta


I mean, I do, but rank shaming isn’t gonna get you anywhere.

You have failed to give a genuine reason as to why Brig is OP to me, and there are genuine reasons I can think of. Trying to rank shame people is not one of them. We could’ve had an actual debate on this, but instead we had this. Thank you for making the case of why profiles should be private.

Failed? I literally quoted all your points and said mine, you’re just deciding on what’s a fail and what’s a pass on your grading book.

Again, not rank shaming, you are gold-plat, you don’t understand the game, nothing wrong with being gold or plat, but factually you don’t understand the game, sorry you’re butthurt that I mentioned how you don’t understand the game at high level since you don’t play in that level lmaoo

You are claiming I do not understand the game because of my rank. That’s rank shaming. And it hurts more because you’re wrong.

Let alone you look at my main PC account, lol

You aren’t here for an argument, you’re here to attempt to belittle and it’s honestly pretty disappointing.

So you understand the game at a high level, despite playing in a low level? Explain?

I only used rank for the Mercy statement because it’s true in Lower ranks mercy can be seen bad but in higher ranks she isn’t

But that’s the problem right there. You even said it. She can heal as much as Ana/Bap. Sometimes less yeah. Sometimes even more. It does happen. The fact that she has the ability to do that + her insane CC, her greater sustain over other supports is why she feels so oppressive and people rage over her being in the game. It’s actually why they nerf her to 200HP and anything higher and people are up in arms. If you buff her HP, her sustain becomes even greater. Which means she’s more survivable, harder to kill and is alive in the fight for even longer. So she’s around doing all this for longer. And 70hps is not anything to scoff at. Is it absolutely insane? No of course it’s not. But she can throw repair pack to multiple people giving them that short amount of healing.


Sure, she can. but that’s not always. Even harder considering she’s too squishy to get into a frontline in a fight as much as she has, and that healing only goes into single target. I wouldn’t consider it an issue.

It’s not insane. It’s a short stun on a decent cooldown she needs her shield to be up for. Which, admittedly, most of the time it is.

But it’s not consistent. Ana/Bap are consistent with this and thus, main healers. Brig can get up there but for no more than on one target at 2 seconds at a time (realsitically.)

Mercy consistently heals 55/hps and that isn’t ridiculous, and Brig doesn’t single target aside from a collective 300 hp repair packs that regen slowly.

And I want to say again I’m downplaying a lot but that’s for the sake of debate. I’m not pretending she’s overall weak. If you’re good with her, she’s an okay healer, but a lot of the time I feel she comes off weak and only as a counter. Highest levels of play can get more out of her, enough ot make her decent, hell, even strong-ish.

I’m not trying to pretend she’s ridiculous or weak. But she certainly doesn’t need any more nerfs and she should be looked at in different lights, reworks, etc.

The Brig discussion makes me believe more than ever higher ranks should have different balancing, but it might be too early than that.

I’m overall frustrated people think she’s the begin and end of everything in Overwatch, and if she’s really problematic no matter how many times she’s gutted, then rework her instead of nerfing her because Brig mains suffer and these are people trying to enjoy the game just the same as everyone else.

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I agree, she doesn’t need nerfs, she needs a rework, I think people think Rework = nerfs, but it’s mostly just for the health of the game, but yea I agree 100% with you

To be fair tho, the nerfs she’s received did pretty much nothing, but it’s better for everyone if she receives a rework as the character was meant to be good in lower ranks and bad in higher ranks, which is the opposite and a lot of people don’t play her in lower ranks which is 99% of the community so it sucks for that