My opinion on the changes from the perspective of a Roadhog main

This patch is huge for Roadhog. His counters, Ana and Zarya are getting nerfed, knockback is more consistent so it’s a buff to whole hog and that also means Roadhog essentially hard counters D.Va. This patch is amazing for Roadhog

Normally I’d say I still want to see him give less ult charge but… yeah. Definitely agree. Want to see how these changes play out before trying to push for any direct changes to Hog.

happy year of the pig

I think after the buffs, he was only weak because Zarya was so important in the meta making Roadhog not really able to do much. Now that Zarya is nerfed, Roadhog will have a much easier time

Yep, yep. Exactly why I want to see how the changes play out in live, first.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d still be delighted if he gave less ult charge to people shooting him BUT I’m more than happy to sit back and wait and revise my opinion later.

I forgot to also mention the Orisa buff who works beautifully with Roadhog. An increase to Orisa’s viability is also an increase to Roadhog’s viability. I don’t think Roadhog will be meta after the patch, but he most certainly will go up a couple tiers. To at best upper mid tier. Where I think a lot of heroes should be

Wait, did I miss something? The only change to Orisa I’m aware of is she gets booped farther while firing.

Unless there’s something that I’m just not thinking about at the moment.

Orisa moves a little bit faster. The slowdown when firing was reduced from 50% to 30%

OH! Yep, completely forgot about that lol.

Can definitely see where you’re coming from, now. Halt always did combo pretty well with hook.

Other heroes I think benefited indirectly from this patch are Mercy, Tracer, and Winston