My next golden gun?

Hey folks, on season 12 I bought my first golden gun which ended up being Sombra’s because I used to 1 trick her (thanks for your suggestions). And here we go A G A N E.

Which golden gun should I buy? These days I’m playing carry heroes like widow and tracer, sometimes soldier and I have 2790 CP. I can get the golden gun within 3 days but I can’t decide who’s…

I do play widow more than sombra now, and I also play tracer equally if that helps you suggest…

Any hero you want…


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Let’s go dude time to pop off

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Pink Ashe with golden gun, saw it today

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Wow never thought of that, I actually wanted pink BOB because he looks cute AND is more useful than the teammates I get in solo q. I just kinda suck at her, I can’t kill enough compared to widow smh

Golden BOB is much of a shiny target so i havent used it.
However both Widows and Tracers gold weapon looks great. I prefer Tracers.

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Buy ones you’ll actually use

that said golden ball zen is the greatest. LICK MY SHINY GOLDEN ORBS!!

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One cannot survive my golden balls!

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Pretty cynical of me, but I prioritize golden guns on Heroes where people don’t tend to take me seriously and I have to “prove” I can play them, like Sombra and Widow.

I took Tracer on dilemma Tracer vs McCree and never regreted that

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symmetra., then you can tell us about how often you get to see them after the PTR patch goes live.