My legendary skins are missing

Stopped playing Overwatch for about 3 months but I recently started playing again and noticed a lot of my old legendary skins were missing, I went to look at the skins for my characters and they were all locked again (including the skins that came with the version of the game, Chinese new year skins, Christmas skins, Halloween skins and even my taunts were locked again) I put money into crates and have gotten skins that are now locked again, any help would be great.


Hey Mistuhhe.

Please could you see this and if possible leave a comment to bring it back to the top please?
It’s the full documentation I had in regards to this very issue. There is a lot of text but I think I’ve formatted it enough that you could use CTRL+F to jump to a certain part.

Click this to expand quote and link to bug topic

This is a known issue!? That’s beyond absurd! They get more opportunities for people to spend money to get their skins back :confused:

Only known to the players experiencing it. As far as my knowledge goes, Blizzard and the Overwatch team are still yet to acknowledge.
By that I mean, in everything I’ve seen there has been nothing done what so ever from the people in control of everything…