My idea for a TRUE mercy rework

Mass rez is BACK but with major improvements!

  • Full team rez as an ability, no cast time, no slow effect. Also the range is 40 meters (what it was in beta in case no one remembers)

  • ult is entire map slow effect for all enemies. 75% speed decrease (so everyone knows the pain us mercy players have had to deal with). Lasts entire match. Which every teams mercy gets ult first wins.

  • Healing increased by 100% so her staff does 120HPS.

  • she’s also invincible at all times. Mercy never dies. She’s an angel and deserves the perks of being such.

  • this doesn’t have to 100% happen but I would love if it does: pistol damage is the same as hanzo. One shot everyone. No one is safe.

These are my ideas… thoughts?


24 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018