My humble take on comp after over 700 hours

Defending people making money off you is wild

Yeah bro. I truly expected to see them saying “Our ranked system is sh*t like all players with thousands of hours of ranked experience said and we are rigging people matches intentionally. We are here to say the truth for collapse the whole corpo so we can lose all of our jobs” What in the world do you living?


I’d love to know where I’ve “defended” them lol.

They are just explaining the system. If you want to create theories that is on you.

Dive into more of the Q&A. They talk about loads of things they want to do to improve things. Here’s an example…

Gavin Winter replying to “why there isnt a modifier for the team mates that are left in the match after a player leaves the game so the people left dont lose so much MMR”

“That’s a cool idea. I’d love to try something like that someday. We’re not working on that right now.”

Gavin Winter on changing elo if you played against a cheater

“It’s something we’ve been thinking about. Not something we’re building now, but we do think that’s cool.”

But you know. People are black and white in this day and age. You either think it is the worst thing or you are defending it.

When the reality is it is fine. But could be a lot better. No game does it perfectly, perfect probably isn’t possible.

But they aren’t lying to you. You just don’t believe them because Timmy1000 on a forum somewhere told you something else.

I have played this game since the launch of first Overwatch. I have seen enough lies from OW devs. They even lied about the main purpose of why they did Overwatch 2 in the first place. They have never been transparent anytime. They said they will be, but still they don’t. I have seen enough sh*t. I trust devs from MR because they are transparent as hell and they don’t lie for now. I don’t trust any OW devs because they lied constantly in every single moment of 8 years. I am sorry but I am not dumb enough to trust them 958384th time and I am not enough dumb to play this game anymore. I am here in this forum to just watch for clown show because it’s awesome

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I’ve seen a lot of “we are working on this” only for it not to be released. Not the same as lies but sure.

As per the above. They didn’t lie. They just couldn’t deliver. It was a dumb idea in the first place give that Kaplan refused to accept extra resources to expand the team in order to get it done. A failure, but no lie.

They both literally tell you the same things. MR is being very open about not wanting role queue. Cool. Jeff Kaplan was always saying how they didn’t want to do it, but they ended up changing their minds in the end.

If you want to trust random Chinese devs thats fine. If you don’t trust random American devs. That’s fine. But it feels like a lack of consistency from your part. Both of them want the same things. Your time and your money.

You say this… but then say other things above that contradict that.

Look. If you want to assume people are lying to you. Fine. But be consistent with it. Because the MR aren’t being any more transparent with you, they aren’t telling you any different. At least the OW devs have explained how MMR and the match maker works to the point they can. MR have said nothing, they also said nothing when people found out they were putting bots to rig quick play games to give people moral boosting wins.

At least OW aren’t doing that.

baby hours you need to step that time up x4

I am not bothered with QP because I am a fully competitive player. They gave me official spesific win and lose rates rank by rank. They are hella fast to punishing toxic players or cheaters, boosters etc. I am getting an in game mail after just one game since I report one who were in my last match. They are giving me the information of who got punished and how they got punished. They even banned tons of players in closed beta and published on the official website every single cheaters nicknames and in game ID’s. Their first balance changes were perfectly makes sense from competitive perspective and they are not rigging matches in competitive. I am not here to defend any of each games devs but if i had to choose, I definetly choose to don’t trust OW devs. If MR devs will start to lie and stop being transparent, I am not gonna trust them anymore. That’s simple. If OW devs want to explain something, they have to come to us with actual datas, not with fancy words


You do you. But it seems you will allow them to do egregious things that you accuse OW of. It seems like you are willing to give them grace because you are enjoying the match experience, where as you aren’t willing to give OW that same grace because you no longer enjoy the game.

Your choice, but it does mean you are likely to contradict yourself a lot when criticising something.

quick play or ranked, doesn’t matter. Any rigging of matches should be criticised in the heaviest of forms.

Tbf, tomorrow Trump happens… Who knows what that lunatic will do when it comes to China.

They’ve literally done that multiple times and you’ve still chosen not to trust them. Like I said, consistency.

MR aren’t being transparent with you, they are telling you just enough to keep you distracted, 4 new heroes you say… OW devs have explained the core of how match making and ranks work. MR have said nothing. So it does feel a little biased…

Take what both say with a pinch of salt. Treat them both the same. Play the game you enjoy.

The new account currently has 74 hours of playtime, and I recall the video mentioning that 100 hours are necessary to truly reflect a player’s skill. Are you suggesting that if I play 25 more hours, I’ll drop back to lower ranks? I find that unlikely.

I didn’t expect this thread to gain so much attention, but it’s been insightful to see the discussions from both sides. I also watched the video shared, and I respect their efforts to make the game fairer. However, I still believe there are aspects that aren’t working as they should. The designer even acknowledged that they’ve had to ask the engineer to implement changes that didn’t succeed, which shows that mistakes are being made and need to be corrected. In the meantime, though, all players are affected until a patch is released.

I’ve been switching between accounts to compare how the game feels, and I’ve noticed that the experience is pretty similar at higher levels. At least in those matches, I can rely on other players to have a better understanding of the game, which makes it easier to move up and down ranks. For example, on my old account, I’ve had matches in the Silver-Plat range where my team is putting up 60+ kills over 20 minutes, with both teams clearly knowing how to play. I have more of these high-quality matches on the new account, but the question remains—why are we stuck in low ranks when we’re winning games like that?

I see a lot of unranked to GM videos where they make new accounts and climb fast, but I’d like to see a video of a GM player carrying on an old account that is hard stuck in the lower ranks. Has anyone seen someone do this?

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You’ll never know until you try.

Remember, it reflects your ability to win games. Not your mechanical skill. So you can have multiple accounts with some rank variety as you’d of just had different luck as you went along.

You aren’t playing the same people at the same time on each account after all.

I’ve literally seen a T500 do this to someones silver account. He grinded it for a few days and was in Master pretty quick.

ah ok.

What a waste of time this was. They say one thing and then immediately contradict it. They say matchmaking is tight and all players in a lobby are almost always within 2 divisions of each other.

Then they go on to explain how there are “doppelgangers” and “rivals” on each team. They give an example of why one dps might actually know how to aim while another is trash.

Right after claiming that everyone in a lobby is so close in skill they flat out admit that there are certain rivals paired against each other. How anyone can still take this company seriously is beyond me.

At least they appear to accept that EOMM is in the game in some capacity. They do not deny that at all. They just refuse to elaborate on how it works.

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SkullBuzz knows better. But then contradicts that when they analyse their own gameplay.

Quips aside. None of what you describe happens in the video.

I guess you didn’t even watch the video you posted then, SmallPackage.


I’ve watched it 2 or 3 times now Lazarus

Why are the developers not talking about the clandestine AI bots they created and use to rig matches in MR? They haven’t explained their match making, their ranked system or anything else, really.

I don’t understand how you can say that’s more transparent and honest than Blizzard have been with Overwatch.

Yes. A mere Diamond did this on a “hardstuck”/“rigged” silver account on these forums, with replay codes. The owner of said account previously thought like you but after their friend did this on livestream whilst joking around and explaining things to do, the silver conspiracy-minded account owner totally flipped their perspective and realised they needed to improve or adapt their play on their previously “hardstuck” account.

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Then why GM/Champ people doing unranked to GM are doing it with ease? :slight_smile:


Fresh accounts are super easy to rank up. Not that a champ player wouldn’t get there eventually, it’s just a huge grind.

It’s why literally every U2GM is done a completely new account and not a super old one. The super old one would take AGES to rank up.

Go and buy a Rank ready OW2 account with a 100% QP win rate over the 50 games and I guarantee you hit GM if you actually try, it’s really, really easy.



The reason they don’t use old accounts is that they get banned when they do this. Bronze to GM was popular in the early years of overwatch but then blizz started banning the accounts.