My heros are locked now?

Bro how are we hours into this and there’s absolutely 0 communication from blizzard on social media or anything? I thought we were focusing on communication this go round

I’m having the same problem. I played overwatch 1 and had all my stuff transfer as well as all the heroes unlocked. it was fine, then the next day all of them where blocked.

Is there an update, are they fixing it, or is this intended what is happening. It was fine earlier today now I can’t chose like 75% of the heroes while enemy team can…

I wonder how many of us have to post for a response

Just happened to me…
After a quick break I came back and had mostly of my heroes locked. :rage:

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Same, 75% of my characters are now locked. Fix this pls :frowning:

Same here. Last night everythings fine. Sign in after todays maintenance and half are locked.
Dva, doomfist, roadhog, sigma, wrecking ball, ashe, cassady, echo, genji, hanzo, junkrat, mei, sombra, torbjorn, ana, baptiste, bridgette, kiriko, zenyatta.

Blizzard… youre killing me rn. It started with me not getting all my skins from OW1 and not that i have them i have no heros? I cant even unlock them either. theyre locked and not unlockable. these starting characters arent fun I want to play whoever i want again

i want my heroes back men :frowning:

Yeah me too! Been playing fine, but now locked characters. I’m on Xbox.

I originally had no issues with my heros but after todays update I have had my characters taken away like many others.

Yep, heroes all locked for me too; just lost a comp match cuz all of my mains were locked out and I didn’t know until it got to the selection screen. :sob:

Same here. Super annoying! Is there any acknowledgement of this bug by Blizzard?

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Same here, i am so pissed right now

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Same, just jumped on and most of my heroes are suddenly locked… Gotta love this hooray UGH

Was playing fine a few hours ago, logged back in to locked hero’s. So their update broke something. Haven’t seen any acknowledgement on this yet.

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Same here. Have been playing for several years. Plus have battlepass


I am having the same issue i had all the heros unlocked on launch and now i cant play most of my heros even original heros like genji and dva from O1


Same, wtf happened? It is SO frustrating!

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Sure would be nice to get a full 24 hours without the game being messed up one way or another….

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