My friend is doing an Experiment

He is currently doing a no-data account. Where he plays nothing but archives.

He hopes to see how effective QP MMR really is in placing you in competitive.

He is level 11 and says “This is the most fun ive had in years”

He will post his research after he places in Competitive

The madman

I eagerly await results
I had the idea once to make a mystery heroes ONLY account, maybe if I’m really really bored one day I’ll try it out


I too believe he is mad.

Playing the same 3 missions over and over again. But he said that he loves them so, heres hoping he has results at the end.

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Someone did this a while ago with a tryhard account and a soft throw account. Both of them began their placements in mid-high gold for comp.

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However, that had QP MMR.

Would be a bit interesting, because I had an alt account for a bit. And just a few games into quick play I was playing with people around high diamond.

But here, the system isn’t getting any data at all. Though the system is very quick, and in your 5 games of placement it will probably put you around where you should be.

I’m doing an experiment

I am going to eat a Donut filled with M&Ms

Who knows. Maybe itll place him where he belongs, diamond

Their experiment suggested that QP MMR is entirely ignored when placing new accounts in comp. Having the default QP MMR wouldn’t make a difference.

Unless they’ve changed how it works, it’ll seed him in mid-high gold and the first several games will have increased SR gains/losses, so he’ll be able to climb pretty quickly just from winning games on a new account.

I also once did an experiment. I refused to believe I belong in gold, so I just made a new account and now I’ve maintained mid high plat on it for ages and I even hit diamond, but I still struggle to get out of high gold on my first-ever account.

The absolute mad lad.

Because placements are now 5 each. They are more forgiving in terms of SR gains and losses for first timers

Our rotting lord and savior Rngesus welcomes any pilgrims to his sacred realm. Make it so!

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Not necessarily. The person I’m citing found that they were experiencing larger changes in SR “until game 18 or so”. If the exaggerated changes extended beyond 10 placement games, they can certainly extend beyond 5.

Here’s the link:

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