My comp rank dropped 5 tiers in 2 roles for no reason

I was playing comp one day, as one does, and I reached my 5th victory on my tank and when I went to view my rank adjustment I noticed that my rank had gone up 2 tiers, but after a quick second I realized it dropped 5 tiers for no reason whatsoever. I didn’t lose or tie 15 games either so it didn’t make any sense why I was demoted 5 ranks. I was really annoyed but I kept playing and just got over it. That happened sometime last week. Then yesterday I was playing comp on my dps and the same thing happened. I got my final victory and went to view my rank adjustment and I realized that it, like my tank, went down 5 tiers from where it was before my adjustment game and I had gone up 2 ranks. I remember viewing my career profile before the adjustment and I remember seeing my career profile say I was diamond 4 (I dropped to platinum 4). I am thoroughly pissed off. My friend also claimed this happening to them too. Pls fix this.


Hello, same thing happened to me since i returned to the game for season 3, 3 times actually. I got to masters3 and before 5 games or 15 losses finish, i deranked to diamond 5 or diamond 3 or something. Similar things happened when i re-climbed to masters4 and masters5 .

I enjoy the current state of the game, and i even purchased some skins and battlepass to support the game, but if the game keeps de-ranking me while i m trying my hardest to climb to GM as a solo support player, i will quit this game forever.

To give a solid example, after reaching masters 5 i got 4wins and 6 losses and on my 4th win, i got deranked after the match. After the match, it showed me the promotion screens and promoted me from diamond 5 to diamond 2. But i was masters 5 before the match…


Assuming your win-loss ratio is positive, you might be experiencing the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.