🐟 My 3 Big Questions (which caused an argument that scared off the Devs.)

How is it a lame argument? All those things make her a tank? Do you wan’t to give me a legit argument as to why she isn’t a tank? I said s76 is a poor comparison, because, well, he is. Show me another damage hero who has a 2000 hp shield, a 500 health pool, cc, and a zoning ult? You can’t, because its a kit for tanks. Those things in conjunction with eachother means she belongs in the Tank category IMHO.

She doesn’t have 500 how, she has 250. 250 + health regen ability isn’t 500 hp, otherwise 76 counts too, compared to the fat DPS tank, Roadhog.

When her hp says minimum 500/500, then she can be a tank, not a second sooner.


But she does have 500 available hp. Just because you can’t see it all the time doesn’t mean it’s not there, Its on demand, you are just refusing to recognize it at this point. Do you want to give me an argument why S76 is a tank? Because you haven’t outlined anything or given any examples in your posts. Sure, he has a sustain, but he lacks other aspects of a tank, no shield, no cc, no space making or zoning ability.

It’s obviously because he isn’t a tank, just like Mei. You can play her as a tank if you like, that doesn’t make her one, sorry not sorry.

I’m done arguing over it. She’s DPS and will stay that way.

Guys, hybrid heroes exist. I don’t see why you have to categorize everything.

Poor comparison. Obstinate. They have no similarities, S76 is a hitscan dps, Mei is an off tank.


As long as locked LFG exists these things need to be taken into consideration.
Edit: And if they go forward with role que, these things need to be reviewed.

Well maybe they could put certain heroes in more than one category.

I think thats a good idea!

If you can be killed by an unbuffed widow shot you are not a tank.

She does have tank properties which is why she can be played in the off tank slot but given the fact that any damage above 249 can one shot her she does not qualify as an actual tank.

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See there thats a good argument

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Thanks. I’m a Mei main so I should know what my bae can do.


Thanks dude, i really struggled to find anyone who could give me a decent reason why she might not qualify as a tank. So i appreciate that, it’s nice to get some perspective.

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I said the same thing, you just latched onto 76 instead of the whole “needing abilities to reach the tank hp doesn’t make her a tank” bit, but ok.

No, you latched onto S76, wouldn’t give me a decent argument, or say anything other than no. You have 6 hours as her, as opposed to the dude with 60 hours who could make a point in a single post.

Just because you think the mode labeled competitive isn’t actually competitive doesn’t mean you are correct. I hope you come to learn this someday.

Not a problem. That was one of the Mei-n reasons. There a couple more to consider as well.

Tanks operate under the role to draw fire and aggro away from the rest of their team. Mei has the ability to block damage but the moment a wall goes up the enemy typically stops firing.

Same thing when she cryo’s. She may have effectively 400hp in theory with it but when she is using cryo suddenly she is no longer a target for the enemy team and as such is not redirecting fire.

Even roadhog without a means of peeling for his team has the ability to draw aggro and hold it due to his high healthpool and take a breather. Heck, he can even do a “lookout mister president” and block LoS for a teammate in a crunch.

Edit: her cryo only heals for 150.


Honestly, thank you.


Well I guess they aren’t going to answer, since all they did was change my title.

(Seriously for that much heat to be produced going over question number 2… I think they should have just answered it. I know some pros consider them Switched (for good reasons.)… So I don’t understand why they can’t be a thing.)

Sigh… Honestly I think they were about answer too, I think I saw a Dev type there for a second.

But then that firestorm happened…


.,… Timepass.