Mtchmaking is still rigged

Hence the 50% forced ratio, which leads to unavoidable loss streaks whenever you’re winning too much.

It’s simple actually.

You win too much = you are better than the opponents.
Games fixes you in better matches and people of your own league.
Turns out you are not as good as you think.

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This may be true to a certain extent, but it also places you with bad teamates and better players on the opposing team with an unfavored chance to win if you are truly swinging above your rank.


No it does not do this. People just feel that way when they see 1 or 2 mistakes made by their own teammates but they don’t know what they can do to enable their team


when u win alot in a row BLIZZARDS puts ppl with LOSE STREAKS in ur team and winning streak players on the ENEMY team!! BEEN LIKE THIS FOREVER


Most rigged game I ever experienced. There’s no reason I should lose 500 sr and be matched up against smurfs that have mains in masters at 2700. The game will never improve.

I’m not wasting my time playing this game anymore. I quit.


Makes no sense.

There’s no reason to think you’re the only good one on your team when you’re just as confused as they are. That just arrogance

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He is almost 2k SR higher than you and you still think you know better LOL.
This forum never ceases to amaze me.

I am a tank main who can carry up to diamond and i main rein so yes it is possible

Simply not true, last three games i played tonight, not yesterday, not last year TODAY i was gold elims, dmg and got a card at the end of the match for trance healing three games in a row as zen. Now dont get me wrong medals do not matter whatsoever, but when im effectively the only one getting kills when im grouped with 5 other people with fingers and a keyboard im pretty pissed off.

All of the games ive played this patch have been hard won with most of them involving throwers, leavers (on both my team and enemies) toxic, salty duo’s yelling in the mic.

And of course you will move the goalposts and say “well thats just unlucky that you got three games in a row of potatoes” Face it, the matchmaker is dysfunctional at best and has zero clue what kind of players it is grouping up together.


I think people should take up a new mantra “I am not as good as I like to think I am but that’s ok; it means I can improve”. You guys ever heard of Occam’s Razor? To put it simply, it states that the simplest answer is normally the correct one so let’s take a look, shall we?
You were doing just fine and then you went on a losing streak. What happened?
A) You were feeling great being on a winning streak, got slammed by a better team, lost, got tilted, went into frustrated super-tryhard-mode and that negative mindset caused you to lose the next game, which just snowballed into a losing streak.
B) Blizzard hates you, created a system where it punishes you for being great at this game but somehow doesn’t affect others, who are probably smurfs or boosters anyway so it doesn’t matter; the point is, Blizzard has it in for you and wants you to quit OW.

Another situation. You’re carrying the team like you always do but somehow you keep losing games. Why?
A) You have a overly inflated view of how good you are and how much you’re helping the team because you’re getting “all the medals” in lieu of actually working with your team and coordinating with them.
B) You’re the hero OW needs but the one they don’t deserve, you carry 5 people on your back game in and game out but because of Blizzard’s rigged system, you keep getting teamed up with throwers and trolls while the enemy team is always full of Top 500 smurfs so there’s nothing you can do, even though you’re God’s gift to FPS games.

It’s option B, isn’t it? I knew it.

Your twisting my words, i do not claim to be the best overwatch player in history, im barely diamond depending on what hero i play. Being that i am playing zen for the most part its my job to get picks whenever possible and keep discord/healing orbs at 100% uptime on needed targets.

Me doing my job netted me 12 total elims as gold, and 6k damage on rialto for the ENTIRE GAME both attack and defence where we didnt even get to the first point on attack. Are those great stats? hell no, they are terrible. But to think that any blame that i put on our dps is somehow unwarranted because “lol you cant hardcarry as zen getgud” is bull.


How exactly am I twisting your words when I never mentioned you? And yet, here you are replying to me, so something I said must have resonated with you.
I also find it funny that you accuse me of twisting words and then accuse me of telling you you need to carry as zen, when my whole post was clearly aimed at leaving your self worth second and put team effort first…do you think team effort means carry?

The persecution complex is strong with you :slight_smile:

Stay up on that moral high horse, you might be the only one left playing this game with that kind of attitude.

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Don’t worry about me; I know I’m bad and I’m working on it instead of blaming the system. If I never leave silver then I know I just haven’t improved enogh :slight_smile: I’m ok with that.

So what makes you think the other barely diamond players on your team are trash and you’re the best?

Golds don’t matter, cards matter but there are some things that can get on the card board even though it’s nothing special. Example

  • Orisa would always get a card for blocking damage with her shield. Even if no one uses it but enemy shoot at it.
  • Lucio would always get cards for environmental kills and sound barriers even though he doesn’t win the game and the sound barriers were always used after team fights and helped no one.
    -Zen would always get Trans healing. Same reasons as Lucio.
  • Moira would always get a card for elims even though we know she can just throw her Orb. Even though she’s not doing anything. The orbs don’t even have to kill anyone.

The fact that you’re on board and not your teammate doesn’t mean you played better. Some characters would always be placed above others and that’s just it.

You can try using LFG and find like minded people if you truly feel like the game is against you


birgitta never gets medals and ppl want her nerfed !

cha ching da ling !

Brig never gets medals? LOL…she can easily get 3-4 gold medals just like Moira.

The community on this forum is literally one of the most toxic out there and its only half as bad as what presents itself in the game…

Oh but they do show me what the rest of my team is doing. These arent gold games, they are diamond/high plat games. You should be on top of your mechanical skills by this point. My argument isnt that im so much better than the average diamond player, its that my teamates were not average diamond players as they streamed in without using voice comms and literally fed the entire game. I could understand one thrower, maybe a duo, but an entire team with TWO dps that couldnt shoot there way out of a wet cardboard box is somehow my fault.


this happens couse ure MMR rating ( hiden stat )shoots up and its high for ure SR , so u get ppl whit a a Lower MMR rating on your team, if you group up u kinda break this a bit , but they nerfed the bonus of grouping up,

Also all of this is so the matches have a 50/50 win chance and its FAIR

thats OW ello hell