Mtchmaking is still rigged

Bad players just do not understad and or they are simply undercover blizzard agents(i am starting to seriously believe this one) that keep vouching for the system and the game. I have been in 95th percentil and still losing games in plat before i manged to climb out and reach diamond and now further beyond. Its a stupid grind. I have even dropped down to plat once, same BS. All through diamond it is the same also only that people are slightly better at some point you’ll get a backlash thou which is way to noticeable.

Can you tell me where Blizzard have said or suggested anything other than MMR is used to create balanced matches? If it did work the way you suggest then throwers would never derank and smurfs would never climb. It would also be extremely broken. Why do it that way when they could… oh, I don’t know, not do it that way?

You keep insulting my reading comprehension and mathematical ability when neither factor into this. I don’t misunderstand or fail to understand your argument. I know exactly what you mean. And I’m telling you it’s a conspiracy theory based off of no actual evidence.

Where have Blizzard said they use ping or ‘other attributes’ to decide team distribution? This whole conspiracy started when Cuthbert started copypasting new threads every other day based on conjecture and superstition.

Wake up, there is no MMR, its just a term to describe SR without decay. Teams are matched exclusively based on SR. Equal SR teams in theory should have 50% chance of winning against each other if the true skill of all the players is correct. Usually its not correct though and someone deserves to go down because they placed too high or are playing worse than usual and someone deserves to go up because they learned to play better. The balance of people that deserve to go up or down determines the outcome of the match. Otherwise if both teams are equal true skill/sr its a draw or 50% win/loss chance.

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I used to believe matchmaking was rigged. Even more so when I was at almost 3900 in Competitive DM and struggling to get out of silver in regular comp. But some of the matches in silver were absolutely grueling and ultimately very satisfying. That tells me skill is split pretty evenly between teams. The kicker was getting obliterated by a genii in Comp DM. The replay as he methodically and precisely picked me apart with out a single wasted movement woke me up from my denial and I realized, IM NOT AS GOOD AS I THOUGHT I WAS.

Stats do matter below Diamond rank, because your stats affect the bonus SR you gain for a win or pads on a loss in my experience.

I’m talking more about the soldier who sprints ahead of the shield and dies resulting in my disengagement or death while 2 more of the team willingly walks into Junkrat spam that I can’t warn them about because they’re not in voice chat, and for some reason they haven’t realized that small hallways with upstairs favor Junkrat after multiple deaths after the shield breaks too fast for us to engage and I reposition.


Well, from my experience team mates get amazingly bad after a season or career high. That has happened so many times that I just know not to expect good games after that peak.

And to those saying that gaining SR means tougher opponents miss the point that enemy team is not the problem, potato team mates are and it is SO obvious it hurts and there is nothing that can be done unless the player is a GM surf in disguise.


Okay. But the amount of SR you gain at the end of a match also doesn’t matter. Because even if you do well in a game and have high stats, it doesn’t matter if you’re not able to perform above the level you’re in.

It sucks that that happens, but frankly as the Tank it’s your job to make space for them to not do that.

It sounds to me like you’re far too afraid to move in and your team is dying trying to do something while you sit twiddling your thumbs.

Shield hopping will make your shield go down slower and it will let you engage faster.

If that fails, stop relying on your shield as Rein and go Winston or D.Va to kill the junkrat or at least pull their focus from the choke so your teammates can move in safely.

Seriously, your team is full of idiot monkeys, but as the teammate who isn’t an idiot monkey that means it’s your job to pick up their slack. And you won’t do that by blaming them and ignoring what you could be doing to improve yourself.

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Role queue didn’t seem to fix the problem.

You know, I know blizzard says such a thing doesn’t exist, and maybe this is anecdotal, but my experience leads me to believe SOMETHING isn’t right. Season 11 started out for me amazingly well. 8-2 on placements, and I only lost 1 of the 2 matches to a garbage team comp. The other game was close, but lost based on a good Ult combo, NOT because our team comp was trash. I was incredibly pleased.

A little later in the evening last night, my group of three started getting just absolutely horrible human beings in our games. Stoned, racial slurs, groups of three all instalocking DPS characters and refusing to change, etc etc. One group I even had to mute someone in a group because he was just that bad. I told the rest of his group I had to mute him, and they told him so. The response was “Unmute him or he’s throwing” and I refused, he instantly went Hanzo and proceeded to throw the rest of the match.

So, yeah, sometimes it sure seems like the game is out to get you.


I noticed the same thing. My theory is match making is balancing teams this way, so if you perform consistently above your sr they will put you with someone who is under performing to balance the game.


That’s what you would think.

I used to be Grandmasters, I came back after 8 months, currently in diamond.
I’m playing like a low-mid master but the games are hard because of people issue, not because of my own performance.

The games I lose are one-sided.

You make call outs and give them hints on why they are dying without specifying who is doing what wrong (so that you don’t start an argument, again people issues) and people reproduce the errors infinitely.

Now that the Performance System is gone passed diamond, it is pratically impossible to get further ahead unless you get an insane win rate. High winrate is the only way to climb now and being forced with a 50% chance puts a stop to climbing faster.

Playing in diamond is going to make me go insane… People are complaining all the freaking time.

I’ve been GM for 7 seasons on my main and once on of my alt accounts with none of my 4 accounts being under master. I’ve always played solo and never got carried up top.
Having this forced 50% winrate, with no performance system makes me want to cut my veins (figure of speech).


Shhhhh, it’s only silvers and golds who are allowed to complain of rigged matches.


If you yourself acknowledge you’re only playing at a Low-mid masters level (3500-3600 lets say?) and you’re 3320 as of writing this post… You’re only 200-300 SR off of where you should be. That’s not much.

This is what we call an unwinnable game. They happen. They happen a lot, even. They’re not the matchmakers fault. Sometimes a game just goes wrong and there’s no way of anyone knowing it.

Dallas Fuel and Seoul Dynasty were considered by most full of the best players in the world when OWL started, and yet despite having all the cards they still lost the game.

The same thing happens in matchmaking. It’s not anyone’s fault, that’s just how it works sometimes.

My recommendation? Stop playing to win and start playing to improve and raise the bar of matches the game will even throw you into. Losing an unwinnable game against 3300 players is worse than losing an unwinnable game against 3700 players. No matter what, both will happen, no matter who you are. But you get to decide which will happen.

I can’t specifically tell you what’s keeping you from Grandmaster. I’m not a grandmaster player. But I can tell you if you’re not in grandmaster, the only thing keeping you from it is improvement. Your teammates may lose you games. But only you lose you SR.

Also, side note, performance based SR is gone above 3k. But MMR still plays a role in SR gains. It’s not static.

Match maker is still the same piece of trash it’s always been.


It doesn’t force losses when you win too much, or dafran wouldn’t have had 3 accounts in the top 4 towards the end of season 9. That doesn’t happen by accident or luck.

You get forced losses when your MMR (determined by actions per minute, stats, etc) are below that of everyone else at your rank. You think your teammates are bad now? Imagine if this mechanic wasn’t in place.

Well…it’s kinda true.
They create fair matches by allowing people to get to the correct rank. If suddenly everyone was perfectly ranked all the matches would be fair, right? It’s one and the same goal.

It’s the people that think their rank is separate from their skill that think this way, that they are at the right MMR but can’t go up in SR since they have a 50% win rate at their “hidden mmr”.

For reference:
“The matchmaker prioritizes creating fair matches over allowing people to get to the correct rank.”

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My MMR is weird after I’ve stopped playing for so long. It dropped to low masters (3600) last season when I played at the end of the season. I played again and got placed 3400 this season. My winrate went negative even though I couldn’t have any easier games in diamond when I play solo, games which I can still lose even though they are easy for me. I’m playing for improvement, the only thing I’m really getting out of these games is my aim slowly coming back from being rusty. The game sense remained the same,

You also have an insane amount of smurfs that aren’t in diamond, I don’t know if it became popular with season 10 being stupid for a lot of people so they decided to smurf (I wasn’t really playing it, played 10 games), but I’m able to play very well againts them personally, but if there are three in a same game on the other side, chances are… being a little bit rusty on the edge, It’s hard to carry your team which already abandoned after the first minutes, or that just can’t play againts smurf. It’s normal, and that’s why account boosting and smurfing is so controversial.

When I said low-mid master, I meant 3600-3800 SR.

I get your point of view, but it’s hard to have my mind changed on this.

The system feels too random.

In the past I also made the experience to see how far I’d get with two alt accounts, both of them passed my main at some point, one of them reached gm the other one was around 3900. My main was hard stuck 3800 for a season until I was able to get it back to GM.

I don’t get how the experience is different on some accounts.

That’s my take on this one

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There’s no way to guarantee a losing streak. But Competitive Overwatch does handicap every game with Match Making Rating.

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I lose matches we should have won. I am constantly getting highest elims and damage with 40% or higher accuracy but losing anyways. Healers not healing me even though I am the carry. Enemy team focusing me cause they say kill the Soldier and we will win and my team seams like they are playing this game for the first time.

Then some random match we win easily and then it goes back to me hard carrying and we lose again. I should not have to hard carry to win! The entire team should be helping but the other DPS has less than 5 kills while I have more than 30 and he is the one dying all the time and getting the most heals cause he is always needing them. Then when I need some healing and call for it over and over standing next to mercy after I just killed the entire team and am at 20 hp the mercy is staring there doing nothing to heal me even though we are not under attack. I have to go get a healing pack for crying out loud.

What has happened to this game and the matchmaker? I truly want to quit this game as many others have already done. I know this simple because I get the same players or three stack on my team three or four matches in a row and same enemy team as well. No new players for several games in a row. Seriously, what the …?


Try LFG. I’ve had 5 awesome games out of 5 thus far in comp.

I’m seriously considering using LFG in QuickPlay as well. When you get a 3 stack of instalick DPS and they’re all shtte. Still, qp is for practising. But when you get 5 terrible instalock DPS in comp, gets a bit wearing…

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