Mtchmaking is still rigged

I have seen it all the time. Loss streaks don’t exist but the random of the matchmaker is an issue. I see it all the time. I have gone from plat to diamond back to gold then back to diamond. I had a friend almost hit gm then suddenly he’s about to fall into plat.


There is randomness yes which looks like the new lfg system should fix. However we are also inconsistent. We dont always play our best or remain 100% focused


Not streak bonuses.

Streak bonuses gave you more SR for winning a ton.

However, Overwatch still very much puts you in harder matches to see if you hold up there, it just gives you standard sr.

Of course, if your MMR moves up because you are able to hold up in these matches, you will gain more SR per match under 3k so you get to where you belong, but this is independent of streak bonuses, and can happen with or without winning streaks. It’s just a bit harder to show the system “I’m better than this” outside of winning a lot.

After 3 wins I played a game when I ended up with 4 gold medals and 1 silver as hog. Obviously a loss. Rigged matchmaking wins again.

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I keep on asking myself, when will the system let me win again? It’s so horroble and depressing. Honestly, it’s gotta stop


Medals mean nothing, and you’re basically just complaining because you don’t have a 100% win-rate at this point.

When you play better. It really is that simple. If you play better than the average person at your rank, you’ll win more games than you lose, and climb.


I’m an Xbox player. I’d have better odds at winning if both my thumbs were sawed off in a regular game before, vs this rigged bs I’m facing now.



You’d have better odds of winning if you improved your play and performed consistently.

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I’m so fed up, I ask myself why are my teammates more dumb when I’m higher in SR… I doesn’t make any freaking sense.


That feeling exists in every rank of every game that allows you to play with random people. I come across people in Diamond who aren’t any smarter than people I played with in Gold; they just have better aim. If you don’t feel like you’re getting worthy teammates, then group up. You already have that option, and the new LFG will make it even easier.


Maybe you got all the medals because you were Hog and your team didn’t have a proper tank to make space for them.

This statement might not be true, but it has as much evidence behind it as yours does.


6 games loss streak today. There is no escape from rigged mm. The game is decided before it even starts.


It sounds all good on paper, but in reality it doesn’t work like that. When you are teamed to people with the crappiest internet ever that crash every 2 minutes or throwers or players that are at their 5th of the 10 positioning matches and therefor have no effing clue. It always happens after a 5-8 winning streak with intelligent human beings as your team mates, that has nothing to do with ‘‘lets test your skill’’, that is literally setting you up for failure. No, you are not a special snowflake, EVERYONE climbs given enough grind, but the system is rigged af and people who do not aknowledge it are either not playing or stacking.


Literally every big streamer of OW quit to fortnite.
Yes they are losing money.
There is an ‘‘overwatch is dying’’ post or video every second day.
People are saying how bad the matchmaking system is rigged and a very vocal minority is trying to white knight about it.
This is the same crep like Bless online, you have those who are telling you how crap the game is and there are others who are praising every single bug it has.


You probably also believe that there are no cheaters and its only a matter of ‘‘git gud’’.


No one is complaining about losing against better players, why am I teamed up with a Russian main attack bastion with 1h playtime total in his account, a 3 minutes ever played zombra main rein that doesen’t care about S10 competitive mode but wants to play in competitive mode, a 4 man dps team where only 2 are in coms and are speaking spanish to themselves and no one else and a 5 year old that keeps telling everyone how good he is on widow to let him play. HOW HARD CAN THIS BE TO UNDERSTAND???
No one gives a F about losing a match where all your team fights properly against a team that is JUST BETTER, everyone enjoys those fights, we are talking about being teamed up with monkeys with 1 arm only and 3 fingers where you have absolutely not a chance in hell to win the match. There is no SKILL RATING involved its the system arbitrarily teaming you up with players with terrible stats and setting you up for failure. The fact that people like you still don’t seem to get it its literally mind blowing.


The guy literally tells you that he had 4 gold medals, which means most likely one of those gold was as a healer as well through self heal, him having 4 gold literally means he did more dmg, got more elims, got more obj kills and more heals than the other 5 players in his team. Now, how the F is that not playing better than the average person that was put in his rank? You people are one whole new level of special when it comes to defending broken logic. Your answer to his post is literally a contradiction to what he wrote to begin with.
‘‘Get better’’, he did better already , he is telling you in that very post lmfao, so the real question here is : Why the flying F is he forcibly teamed up with players that have so much inferior ability to perform instead of being teamed up with players that are at HIS CURRENT level and against players that are at HIS CURRENT level like the system states it should work?


Joe struggles to get out of silver grinding his butt off.

Joe buys a new account and placement puts him on high plat.

Joe has no problem in high plat, in fact climbs even further as he is teamed with players a that now own both arms and all fingers.

Joe looks at the forums and sees all the git gud advises given by the ‘‘pros’’ to players in silver/gold and wonders wtf they are talking about.


If you’re good enough, you can hard carry as a dps until you get where you belong. If you are experiencing winning / losing streaks it’s because that is where you belong on the ladder.

For example, if a player was truly a GM but in a gold game, that GM player wouldn’t need his team to preform very well at all in order to win. So if you find yourself actually needing your team to preform in order to win, that means you are where you belong on the ladder.

The only way to climb, is to preform at least 1 level above where you are on the ladder. Or get lucky flipping that 50 / 50.

The problem with climbing via luck, is eventually your luck runs out. Leading to a BIG OLE FAT losing streak right back down to where you belong! But let’s face it, if you got lucky, you didn’t deserve to be there anyway. It’s a harsh place, the ladder. But it’s not out to get cha.


Ok, if it’s as simple as “play better”, then how come I have a much easier time winning games when I play at a higher elo than my current one (when I group with a stack of plats and have all play opponents)?

How come according to overbuff, I am in the top 10% in most major categories (weapon accuracy, elim/death ratio, almost always get cards at end of match) with my main heroes (zenyatta, roadhog, soldier, mccree). And yet I can’t climb out of gold when my stats across the board are way higher than the vast majority on my heroes?

Check my soldier stats this season for example. It is absolutely ridiculous that I have a 32% win rate on him with those stats and if you try to argue otherwise with a straight face, I will know you are trolling.

I always eliminate the key targets on the other team at the start of the battle, too, such as the healers or dps. But when my potato teammates constantly get 3 or 4 killed by diva bombs or some other easily avoidable death, when we have a rein shield after I solo eliminate 2-3 guys, losing the battle, how exactly is it my fault we lose those games?