Mr.Kaplan, I don't feel good. Please don't let it die

My love for the game that is. It finally happened guys, I came to the conclusion that I no longer feel the same way about the game anymore, in fact all I feel is anger and frustration when playing this game and it has nothing to do with the balance changes or heros. I took my little break form the game and came back to a community with an even worse unsportsmanlike behavior from when I left and the team compositions are literally nonexistent. I’m tired of filling for half butts team composition that have absolutely no synergy. I’m tired of feeling like I’m wasting my time playing a game that has no incentives for winning nor does it feel rewarding to win against all odds. I guess what I’m trying to say is…(slowly crumbles away from reality)


The community is also the main reason why I started drifting away from the game, but they also announced that they’re bringing new social features and increasing the capacity for avoid as teammate

Maybe give it another shot when these changes will be implemented?


As funny as the title is I would take away the Mr. Kaplan part. They don’t want Blizzard, Blue or Dev names in the title.


i dont expect anything anymore. they are “excited about some cool features” every month and here we are. 2 years later, we are going downhill.

I don’t play Competitive unless it’s with a friend or two.
I will not solo queue for season 10.
If I don’t see a friend online when I log on, I log off. That’s seriously where I am right now. At least with a friend or two, I know at least half my team will try to comp well and communicate. Rolling the dice with 5 other people in this Briggy meta is suicide for a tank main. You have no idea what Match Making will put you with.

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This can’t come soon enough. I feel sorry for the devs because they are investing a lot of time and resources on player behavior when those who truly love and play the game how it’s meant to be played are getting nothing.

“Welcome to Overwatch, keep my name out ya fool mouth!”
-Jeff Kaplan

Yeah, I sure hope the new upcoming social features will actually benefit the busy ranks this time, not just the quieter ranks (high end). I’m sure that two avoid slots work great up in the high end, but sadly not in the busy ranks such as gold and platinum as there’s just many more players to get matched up with who are either not being a team player, throwing or even leaving matches.