"move on with mercy" fallacy

If i see a problem i won’t stop until the problem is fixed and that’s what we are doing with mercy. We will stop complaining when the problem gets fixed aka mercy is fun again.


129 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Mercy is more fun than ever.

Hiding and waiting for someone to die was a terrible play style.

Now as soon as you get you’re ultimate you can decide when to use it, it is no longer mandatory to wait until 2people die.

Mercy is better than ever, she now rewards movement skills and aggressive ult use.

Stop asking for lame “Hide n Res “ Mercy, it was god-awful.


Another lot of thread posts moved to the void carelessly I guess lol? Someone forgot to lock it though.


Looks like it.


Uhh yeah that is what happened with my thread…

Guess the mods are being lazy today.


Pop :gun:
Lock :lock:
and drop :dancer:
this thread

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You do realize that this has already happened? It’s what got Mercy reworked in the first place. A couple of drama queens ignored the enemy Mercy, it bit them in the butt, but instead of gitting gud and siccing a flanker on her and/or saving an ult to counter rez, they came crying that “Mercy is unfun to play against”.

(cracks knuckles)


Here's your rework
E ability

E ablity: Valkyrie
No chain beams/super regen
3 seconds of flight
10 second cooldown (starts after flight expires)
Utility buff: reduces enemy cc duration by 50%

Mobility tweaks
  • Guardian Angel targeting system now has a hybrid option for “prefer beam target on/off”. If you’re looking at a teammate, fly to them. If you aren’t, you fly to your beam target by default.

  • GA Bunnyhop kept

  • Passive glide decent angle adjusted: Mercy can now use it to commute between nearby platforms

Q ability

Ultimate: Heroic Will AKA “heavily altered resurrect” (bear with me here!)

10 meter radius (formerly 15)
LoS limited
Blockable by barriers
1 second cast time

(keep in mind the universal ult nerf that deletes all ult charge as soon as you press Q. Kill or stun Mercy during the cast to deny rez)

No SR bonus for huge rez.

Utility buff: after a successful cast, Mercy and all living teammates in rez range get 1.5 seconds of invulnerablity (in addition to rezzing dead teammates). This removes the incentive of “letting teammates die” in order to get the best use out of rez, and turns it into a more proactive ult.

When considered with the vulnerable cast time, this version of rez further compels Mercy to stay in the fight where her teammates can protect her, and use rez to save them before they take fatal damage.

Cautionary nerfs

Taking knockback cancels Guardian Angel

Passive regen delay increased to 2 seconds (formerly 1)

Healing per second reduced to 50 (formerly 60)


No I was here earlier it was locked but because someone was replying while it was locked it unlocked it for some reason

The entire thread should’ve went to the Mercy megathread

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Is it possible for Mercy to be “fun” without mass-rez or instant-rez?

The only problem Mercy has is being OP.


Yes, I’d nerf the chain beams, reduce the duration of Valkyrie by 25% to 50% of what it currently is and finally make it so the beam target has a more potent beam (e.g. 90 HP/s instead of 60 HP/s) during Valkyrie. This makes me think who needs to be healed first, for example, without getting bored during Valkyrie’s current autopilot state. Furthermore it would possibly counter some burst damage unlike at the moment.

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So firstly yes I think so.

If they had ran with how players were using initial PTR Valkyrie instead of being like “That’s not how it is supposed to be used” and removing it… that could have worked.

secondly, why are you insisting on no mass rez or instant rez?

No, actually the first rework was because it was unfair to play against, and it was collectively agreed upon by the community and developers that the old Mercy was being used for hiding more so than actually healing her teammates. Which was not what they intended for her.

The only problem some people have now with her is “she’s not fun”. But a huge chunk of players think she is fun. She’s fair for everyone involved, is balanced, is reliable, and is consistent. That’s fact.

How many times do the developers need to state this before we realize she’s better now than she ever has been, and she will not be changed any time soon?


Yes. No rez is actually really good option too, in my opinion.


They got their answer but it wasn’t the “right” answer, if you catch my drift.


Tommy P, you forgot to lock! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
also mercys fine

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Mercy players really didn’t get an answer.

Prior to Jeff’s last post about Mercy, most people in the mega thread openly admitted that Mercy was balanced now. Just that her kit wasn’t really cohesive anymore and was seriously lacking in the “I get to be a hero now” moment.

Jeff’s post didn’t address that in the slightest.


So… exactly what I said, they didn’t get the answer that they wanted. But they got a response. Sorry!