Move on from Mass Rez

So putting Mercy in f tier would count as a “fix”?

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Literally 90% of this forum are just Mercy mains begging for a change Jeff said isn’t going to happen.


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Someone has to be at the bottom. Mercy was for a very long time, and most Mercys didn’t care. Besides, she’s literally at the bottom now as far as stats go, so not really sure why it’s OK if she’s there now, but not OK if she’s there before the rework?

Personally, I’d have taken F tier if it meant NOT completely taking a heaping dump on the game’s balance for a year and avoiding forcing people to play her that didn’t want to. I think a lot of Mercys and non-Mercys would have preferred this as well while they tested some stuff on PTR to see what worked better, and it’s interesting that when Bastion (damage reduction) and DVa (armor increase) was doing this to the game’s balance they rolled it back pretty quickly, but they let Mercy sit and soak up insane amounts of community hate while saying everything was fine.

Bastions would like a word with you.

Bastion’s and’s changes were never actually reverted.

Eh. I gave it a go.

Hard for some people to accept.

Yet they haven’t given up. I hope we go for a rework opposed to revert.

I believe the most popular tends to be the Bastion megathreads; notably a hero that has been left in the basement for substantially longer than Mercy.

Using Overbuff (because although inaccurate, nothing else is really that much better and the trend is the same).
Mercy’s on fire is 1.8%, Bastions is 15.9%
Mercy’s win rate is 48.43%, Bastions is 49.61%
Bastion’s pick rate is trash, but comparatively it’s not any higher or lower than it was in the past. Mercy’s pick rate is tanking.

I could go into the implications of those, but that’d blow the length of this up significantly. Bastion needs some love badly. To use that to discard the state of others, even if it IS Mercy is just disingenuous.

Since when on-fire rate used for balancing?
If that’s the case, we need to nerf Sombra and Bastion right away.

Bastion’s is actually 48.35%.

He’s been there for a much longer time. Why is it worse for Mercy?

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My bad, I left it on “month” for win rate.

As they said in the developer update, and in multiple locations in the past, Mercy was and had been the number 1 picked hero pretty much period over most of the game’s life since before the rework and even when she was considered straight up trash tier. If her pick rate is actively tanking, that should say a lot.


Let me repeat that once more just to make it beyond absolutely clear that I am 100,000% COMPLETELY beyond aware that Bastion is in a seriously beyond crap spot and both needs and deserves some help.

I will get extremely obnoxious about it if this is called into question one more time. It’s seriously annoying when statements like that are glossed right over time and time and time and time and time again, and the fact they are glossed right over is then actively used against me to warp statements and perception of where I stand on something, so this is my active attempt to put a stop to that before it starts.

I’d be equally as concerned if Bastion was suddenly skyrocketing up the pick rate because it is a significant variation that indicates something big just changed, and it may be catastrophic for balance. If the community favorite was Torb and he was plummeting, I’d be equally as concerned. If the community favorite was Hanzo and he was plummeting, I’d be equally as concerned. The fact that Mercy was the top picked and is plummeting concerns me because it’s a significant shift. I picked Mercy up both out of necessity when the only support heros were Mercy, Lucio, Zen, and Sym, I was in a 5DPS team, and I ended up finding that I enjoyed playing Mercy because she was so fluid spare for her ult. Despite taking one for the team as it were and playing the support that was needed when there was very little choice, it has netted me nothing but antagonism for 2 years and that seriously sucks and is not fair. As such, her status as top, bottom, or otherwise pick is irrelevant to me because again, I didn’t come to pick her for her state of power or meta status.

Just because one hero needs help, doesn’t mean the others are automatically excluded, or that it’s any less criminal how several heros have been left. I think that’s one of the biggest problems with people who are dog piling on Mercys. We KNOW that there are other heros who desperately need attention. Hog needs help. Bastion needs help. McCree needs help. Rein needs help. Reaper needs help. Sym STILL needs some help (less now, but she’s still not in a good spot). To a smaller degree a large number of the roster still needs minor adjustments.

At no point. EVER. Have I nor many other Mercys said that those other heros shouldn’t get the help they need and deserve. There is nothing that says that the developers will/should or are required to approach balancing as “well, this month is Rein, so the rest y’all go suck on an egg cause yer gettin nothin.” More than one hero with problems can be addressed at a time and I wish they would address the other heros who need help. I can’t make them do that any more than I can make them address Mercy or not have broken the game balance for a year with ill advised Mercy changes. All I can do is post my feedback and hope someone with the ability to influence the direction reads it and considers it. All I want is people to understand that and to stop taking it as if I’m somehow setting out on a sacred crusade to devalue and oppose their favorite hero ever seeing the light of day within a meta, and simply want the same consideration returned that I afford them of wanting everyone to have a place in the game they can enjoy and have a good time. I know that can’t and wont happen because of differing opinions on whats fun, but it doesn’t mean I don’t still want that, and I don’t understand why that is such an impossible request that merits antagonism.

Frankly, I’m happy there are Bastions that haven’t given up and still keep hoping for changes. I’m also glad that despite him being considered trollish, and having been neglected for far longer than he should have been, it’s good he still has a place he can shine and be desired. Pirate ship is what it is, and while some will say that it is it’s own brand of cancer, so are almost all of the other types of niche strats. Besides, he can still shred shields and surprise Bastion to great effect, (still made it work at diamond before I quit, so there’s that) so at least he has something and despite it seriously sucking, at least it’s better than nothing at all like Torb/Sym had before the last reworks or the straight up BS scattering worthless cancer status Hanzo had before his rework (that made him undeniably a bit too powerful).

Honestly though, I have a feeling that no matter what I put in here it wont matter because most peoples minds will be already made up by my profile icon, and any past posts they’ve seen but didn’t bother to read fully and consider the context. For the most part, almost any regular poster I encounter they’ve already picked their desired prejudice to stuff into the way they interpret anything and everything I post.

I believe Mercy could be reverted, or she could be tweaked with Valk to make it work, or she could get a brand new rework with a completely different ultimate, or she could have Rez removed, or any other of a large number of ways to rework her, and I’d give it an objective fair chance. Rez is iconic, and I’d hate to see it go when I honestly believe it doesn’t have to if it were just approached correctly. I hated Valk because when it was launched it was WAY too strong and I BEGGED in the feedback thread to reconsider releasing it to live because it was way, way, WAY too strong. I got nothing but ridicule for that and antagonized. I simply want Mercy to be a functional pick where she has clear strengths, clear weaknesses, isn’t the only choice but is still a viable choice, and has a fluid flow that feels as smooth and buttery as it did before the rework. Instant cast Mass Rez that let you keep moving, with or without Invulnerability felt so fluid, and her kit felt so fluid it was great. I loved her having minimum output and very clear drawbacks with single target only healing that you had to min/max and track targets and predict the next person to take damage to compensate for her weaknesses. I want that back, and not to have an ult that is just “press Q, then M1/M2 moar harder!!1” while spectating. At least with Mass Rez it let you mess with people’s minds and there was clear ways to make it worth more or less, even if the ranking system over rewarded poor use of it while punishing playing to win, and even if it was just pressing Q. It was no harder than other heros ults, and it was better than being a spectator. I wasn’t a big fan of Mass Rez but I’m far less of a fan of Valk since Valk does your job for you. It’s the same reason I hate Visor, Blizzard, old Molten Core, Earthshatter, old Shield Gen, Rally, Coalescence, and Christmas Tree, among others.

I also guarantee you that over half of everyone on the forums, if they were to read only that last paragraph would get to the 7th word and would have already made up their mind about anything I will ever post again simply because the word “revert” is in it. Take a look at my Overbuff. I did enjoy playing more than just Mercy, and I am capable by really any definition of the term and you’ll notice that I very actively did not abuse rez on Mercy, but again by necessity I was often left on teams with insufficient support and ended up on support. Again being that I’m trash with Lucio, and since being on a team without some form of team cooperation playing Ana or Zen was a fast ticket to a bad time, I stuck mostly with Mercy until Moira came along, then I swapped between the two based on team need (which was often not that frequently since DPS Moiras).

But again, honestly I don’t think it even matters because the opinion has probably already been irreversibly set, and you probably automatically see me as “one of those scrub forum trash Mercys that is a blind follower of the cult of revert.” So honestly, I’m not even sure why I bother with any of this anymore since it’s equally as unlikely to ever change as it is for people to truly and honestly try to walk in the shoes of one of us “detestable Mercy mains” to really try to understand why there is so much resentment and bitterness.

Anyway, that’s too much honesty and openness for one night and I went and made a novel again.

Important to keep in mind: It’s less about getting Mass Rezz back (in itself), more about getting rid of the horror that is Valkyrie Form.

It breaks games. It stalls. It interrupts game flow. It’s silly, stupid, and the devs openly said it didn’t work yet used it anyhow. And it doesn’t work!


I didn’t say that.

Then there should be more of an effort to make valk more interesting. I’ve heard many great suggestions as to how that can be done without bringing back mass Rez.

Well, sure. For example it could become an active ability which resurrects multiple people around you. Even has that “Till Valhalla!”-voiceline already! :wink:

Go to the “Top” section.
Select “All Time”.

That thread I referenced is #1.


Oh, you right. I did not know that was a feature. Apparently I am somewhere in the top 15.

It‘s great that you enjoy playing a useless hero. Alot of us don‘t tho. Do you also enjoy playing Bastion and Sym? Is there a reason the devs neglect and screw up these characters? How long did it take them to rework Torbjörn? What about Reaper?

Face it, not every decision the devs make is a good one. And Mercy‘s rework was a mistake. Sorry, but an ultimate being „unfun“ to play against is not a legit reason or else almost all heroes would need a rework.

I get how you think that it could’ve been fixed by a few tweaks but it was still a problem, the problem was the core concept of Resurrect itself, on top of that, Mercy’s value was extremely inconsistent.

first that “BUG” which was just individually rated SR is y’know still a thing 2999 sr and below right so if it were to come back that would for all lower ranks not to be rated individually

and second LOS wouldn’t have fixed it so stuff like this is still possible

but stuff like this isn’t going to happen thats the only difference it’s would still happen. hidn’rez isn’t going to be fixed it would just rez without it going thru walls how would this fix it exactly?

There was another SR related issue that was exclusive to Mercy.

LoS is a deterrence. The problem has already been fixed. If you need more deterrence, just throw in a short cast time.

Thank GOD he sent you to us, an intelligent, brilliant and honest man. Thank you for speaking the truth and just for what is like to play Mercy as having fun. Thanks again.

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I play her the most and I have fun.