Move on from Mass Rez

The phrase “for a reason” has lost its meaning these days

I have two things to say about this part
B & S

They have literally no idea what theyre doing

Mercy rework wss a disaster that leaded into 13 nerfs

Hanzo rework was supposed to prevent him from killing tanks so fast. Now he has an ability that can kill tanks more constantly and a jump to get out of their range.

Sym rework was the same bs of moving an ult ability to a normal ability like mercy and also failed

And now they’re doing it again with torb rework

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My only gripe with Mass Rez was, it was unfair to use once Invulnerability was applied to it. It made it feel not so risky to use and that was a big issue because before when you went to pop it and could be killed there was a sense of accomplishment when you got your 2-3 teammates back and could instantly start healing them.

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My problem with Resurrect when it was her ultimate was the lack of counterplay. Like I could stand behind giving Mercy Invulnerability, but she should’ve had significant nerfs to the execution of Resurrect. Giving it a cast time a movement penalty and cancelling her GA would’ve been enough to warrant a buff to her survivability. Make it riskier to use and reward Mercy upon a successful execution. Then actually give Mercy an E ability to use through the mid fight when ultimates aren’t in play.

Welp, pack it up everyone. LightofChaos and OP like the rework, so there’s no reason to ask the developers to change Mercy.

What if they answer with “no” with reasons ofc
At least to mass res in any form.

I mean,they already said they won’t revert her. And there was a reason they reworked Mercy.

Imo,even if Blizz themselves said anything about Mass Rez now,the forums wouldn’t be happy no matter what

Ummm… That’s normal. People always find a way to crap talk the devs even when they do a good job.

Define, “multiple” because as of now, I only know of two.

This has been argued before. It has already been disproven. They definitely did not need to rework Mercy.


I don’t need mass rez to enjoy Mercy. I just don’t want her to have an ult on E that results in the rest of her kit being underwhelming.

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Many other people do.

Forums make up less than 1% of the playerbase.

I remember one dude who tried to tell me that 800 people were more than 50% of the playerbase lmfaooo

“multiple” = more than one :roll_eyes:

so two is “multiple”

She needed a rework in their own eyes and they reworked her,so. There’s nothing you can do about it now.

A revert is not the same as bringing back mass Res with tweaks.

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Then we ask how/if we can change Valk to be shorter but more powerful in the moment, or if another Ult could be on the horizon.
Mass Rez hasn’t ever been the only solution, just the easiest to implement being fully coded and visually designed/animated. With minor changes to make it more standard among ults it seems the quickest fix instead of continuing to wrestle with Valk or creating something entirely new.

“But with infinite duration of invisibility and traslocator, I can play Sombra better!”

And here the “Mass Res” wanted, it’s a Mass res with some tweaks. Not that before.
But that nerfed and that would be tried BEFORE make a rework

Do you know of a better way of getting opinions from the playerbase?

Add a survey that pops up when you load the game with “do you think Mass Res should return”.
You cant not vote. Bam.

You sound misleading. Besides, multiple is more than two.

How is that relevant. You shouldn’t try to justify stuff like that or they’ll think that they can do anything with any hero. Like I said, a rework was not needed.

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Well,in this case,they really shouldn’t listen to the playerbase and just do their own thing. Cause again,the players keep talking trash about them. A lot. Why would they listen to people who do that? I wouldn’t.

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A rework was definitely needed, maybe not the one we got though.
Blizzard already gave the reasons.

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They can do anything they wish. They made the game. They own the IP.


Nope. The reasons they gave, could’ve been fixed with tweaks.