Most "smurfs" aren't actually smurfs, just lazy trend followers

Its no secret that the way the MMR system is set up that getting a new account and playing like you normally do will net you an SR gain. The system has no data to grade against you. Its that simple. But most of the people abusing it aren’t really smurfs, most are just lazy players more interested in SR gains than actually learning to play the game. Most just make as many accounts as possible till they get lucky with one that has high winrates they didn’t work for. Actual smurfs do exist and they do break the system but the players we regularly encounter are just trying to game the system without realizing that so many of them doing the same thing invalidates what they’re trying to do and only serves to break the MM further.


I tried to get an account that had a fresh MMR and ultimately fell into the same SR over time. If you play slowly you can stay in gold for a longer amount of time but after 50 or so games you’ll start to settle into your actual SR.

Buying a new account isn’t a silver bullet, it just helps you pull up quicker.

Most “smurfs” are just people from a rank or two above you that threw for a few hours to get down to your rank. Serious smurfs are an entirely different thing, as you said.

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I strongly agree with this thread, for highlighting the absurdity of Match Making Rating, which handicaps competitive matches and causes this ridiculous “Smurfing” behaviour. For more information on this handicapping system, see my thread:


Read it, a great read and details how foolish the current system is. Although maybe that’s by design.

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Thank you! Yes it definitely is by design, like Las Vegas slots.