Moria Skin forreal?

What failed business practices the skins are radically different. Moira has a white skin called pale that looks nothing like the lab coat skin.

Not every legendary skin is some drastically different version of the character. You’re being ridiculous. Have some integrity with your complaints, it’s impossible to like every single skin.

Those skins are referencing Monaco, where Maximilien is from.

the skin makes her arms so bulky and ugly and blergh really goes against her whole wispy fluid thing


I love the skin just because it’s a lore skin. The portrait is cool. But I agree, could have used a cool effect or something

I love lore skins, too! And they’ve nailed so many of them - Mercy, Reaper, 76. It makes me sad that Moira’s falls so short. It could have been so easily improved.

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Stop saying she’s just wearing a lab coat. Literally just open your eyes and compare everything. It’s not hard


It’s her prototype/rough draft of her equipment. Before she experimented on her hand and made it part of her weapon. It’s meant to look bulkier.

Things can be bulky without being ugly these fail and kill part of the beauty of her first person animations.

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Who is Moria


I guess it’s just preference then. I actually really like them. Every opinion is valid.

I got 0 Wins 1 Draw and 2 Loses so far with it in Masters… I spent 3000 for this. I love i but it doesn’t help me in Rank.

For me it’s much more unbelievable that after such a long time some people still call her “Moria” instead of “Moira”.

(I like that new skin, makes her look… unusually normal)

If it’s Legendary IT SHOULD have different variations to various things in their kit, if not don’t have a rarity system for skins, charge each skin differently end of discussion.

Nails, backpack, face, style of outfit. It changes up a lot, way more than epic skins change.

“Normal” Moira is a big change for her. She doesn’t look like phantom of the opera here.


Are people forgetting that this skin doesnt even remotely resemble the default black one with needle-covered black armor plating? why is everyone whining, it is completely different.

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I didn’t even pay for Moira’s new skin. I got it from a loot box while doing event stuff. It was also the only skin that I REALLY wanted so if I get no others I’m fine but if I do it’s still fine.

Her entire model is shanged, except obviously her actual face. I think it looks awesome. Us Moira players have always wanted a lab coat skin.

Not every skin needs to make a hero light up like a christmas tree. I think the skins which change the most usually look the worst.


Also the golden gun looks amazing, which is rare for moira skins!

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Wait she has scouter?

Weeb intensifies

Yep. it’s attached to a halo thing that looks like her Mercy suit spray.

It’s like people don’t have eyes. She also has a white version of her normal skin and it looks nothing like the lab coat one does. Normal Moira skins all have jagged edges and are very armory or bug-esque. This one is free flowing and soft(outside of those sick looking nails!).