More mystery deathmatch no god why

That only applies to people who can’t finish their kills. It’s not unusual to see a good player repeatedly wreck a lobby until it reinstances.


Mystery Deathmatch is where I learned you can kill yourself as Zarya with your own abilities, and lose points as a result.


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Too many modes already rely on that one slot. If this would be done, there needs to be another daily slot.

I often have to wait multiple weeks to play my favourite modes for one day, because i can’t always play when they are available.

My record wait time is almost two entire months.

I’ve played a good portion of FFA. Hundreds of hours. Finished Top 100 in the competitive. The whole idea of getting last hits is a terrible determinant of who did the best. Sure, you can vastly outmatch your opponents on the regular as it is arcade and it puts GMs against platinums, but is hugely dependent on dumb luck.

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No it isn’t. Every other way of scoring points is worse. You can’t give kills by percentage of damage done due to players being able to heal themselves or pick up health packs.
You can’t count assists toward the score because then you’ll have situations where you’ll kill someone and make someone else win.

Scoring by final blow is the most sensible way, it’s intuitive. Ffa is not best played as a series of 1v1s, its about timing kill steals, staying alive fighting multiple opponents to maximise how many picks you can steal in the fastest time possible. It’s a different style of play, but it’s the best way a mode like this can function any other scoring would be just be horrible.


How it works is already in the game for that scenario which really isn’t that big of a deal anyway. Two people can receive a maximum amount of fire points if they both do equal or more than the total amount of the persons hp.

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Again that would just create situations where yiu might get into a fight and have to choose not to shoot someone so your opponent doesnt win.

People already do that by jumping off ledges to prevent someone from killing them so they can’t win. It’s such a negligible issue to vastly improve the gamemode and turn it into who is the best at getting eliminations from who is the best at waiting to get last hits.

Right now it is better to choose not to shoot someone until someone else starts shooting them first. This is far worse then it always being a good idea to engage at all times.

It’s more fun and it is more likely to produce a winner who is the best at general encounters.

I have to agree in a weird way. I really REALLY love Mystery Deathmatch as a custom game mode: seriously get some friends together and try it, it’s an absolute blast because you’re all shouting and joking at each other (and you can turn off Brig’s healing to make her balanced), everyone’s playing like idiots, someone will get their main and everyone then dogpiles them, someone gets a hero they’ve never played and somehow rolls everyone etc.

But playing MDM with random people is just unfun. It’s just a lot of the worst aspects of MH without teammates to balance it out. And as I say, I have about a dozen hours on MDM in custom game modes, I was really hyped when it was announced but really disappointed with the outcome

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I agree. Mystery Deathmatch is less good than Mystery Heroes and regular DM. One of the best things about Deathmatch FFA is being able to pick a hero and just see what you can do with it while “Mystery” takes that choice away and boils it down to more or less luck of the draw. As a daily it would be ok but as a weekly I don’t care for it.

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Mystery deathmatch is the only actually fun deathmatch game.


I’m flex. The mode sucks.


Me too, with significantly more playtime than you. I disagree because the mode is amusing.

Well, that’s… you know… your opinion.
Playing every hero for 100+ hours don’t make people like RNG modes automatically.


Just join the free for all lobbies in custom games, people have started making them since mystery FFA was a thing, you sitll get exp and all.

I love it Mystery deathmatch is fun in my opinion and i think people are playing it because I always get into a game instantly so que times are really short. I think it’s just the haters shouting louder than the supporters care to counteract it.

I’m flex too and I like it.

I wanted to train my Ashe in ffa and get boxes, bad timing for me :pensive: