More mystery deathmatch no god why

Please. God. Jeff. Geoff. This has to stop. If you want to add mystery deathmatch as a daily rotation, go for it. Repeatedly having entire weeks without it for this rubbish is horrifying. At least look at the numbers. See how much activity Mystery Deathmatch gets vs Deathmatch. I bet normal Deathmatch is played 10x as much.


Mystery Heroes and Mystery Deathmatch were some of the most popular votes in a poll on game modes. That’s why they have it more often.

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Mystery Deathmatch did not exist when that poll was taken. It’s a relatively new game mode and I’ve heard nothing but bad things about it.


Mystery Mayhem Deathmatch?


It’s ridiculous if they use some poll rather than in game data at this point. I never saw a poll.

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He’s referring to:

Mystery Mayhem could almost be enjoyable, the problem with the mode is the RNG of spawns. If someone gets Doomfist-Hog-brig, moira, they pretty much win. If they limited the pool for Mystery or a Mystery Mayhem, the mode could be enjoyable. It just sucks terribly to get Orisa 3x in a match with a Mercy and a Sym in between, and all matches end up being 15+ minutes with many running out of time.

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Thanks, I was looking for that.
Mystery heroes was the most popular game mode in the Arcade, so Blizzard decided to extend it to DM.

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Strangely i’ve seen tons of forum posts talking about how much they love mystery heroes, and tons of posts about how much they love FFA/DM. But I’ve seen nothing but pure hatred for mystery DM. It certainly could be that those posts just happen to stand out, but it certainly does not seem like people enjoy the mode.


Its like the sparkling water debate.
Carbonated drinks are ok
Water is ok
Carbonated water should be banished to the depths of hell.


Thanks for correcting me.


Mystery heroes 6v6 is not bad. It’s not my favorite mode, but it isn’t like pulling teeth, because there aren’t bad heroes, just bad heroes for your comp. For ‘deathmatch’ there are actually bad heroes, for the mode.

There are a lot of players with literally hundreds and hundreds of hours in deathmatch. When the game balance has been really problematic, it’s been my go to mode to relax. If they absolutely must have this Mystery Heroes Deathmatch, I ask that they rotate it on a daily, not weekly, or make it its own mode and leave normal deathmatch. Maybe one out of 10 people seem to enjoy it.


While I agree, without carbonated water you couldn’t make a vodka tonic, so.


Boom, you’ve just explained why Mystery Heroes is fine, but Mystery deathmatch is horrifying. Carbonated water can be a mixer, but you can’t run him solo.

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The forums aren’t a great place to get a feel on how many people like a mode, it’s just a complaint dump after all.

It’s a fun mode. FFA is inherently stupid anyway so this just makes it a bit more stupid. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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So I guess it’s no coincidence I love seltzer and mystery deathmatch?

The people who play FFA aren’t the kind to play a lot of mystery and vice versa. High mechanical skill and RNG don’t mix.


FFA is barely based on skill. As long as the scoring only takes into account last hits and ignores deaths and assists it will still highly favor luck. Which is why mystery FFA is not that much different than normal FFA.

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Gotta love how mystery heroes and mystery deathmatch just make people look like fish out of water. Learn more roles and you’ll enjoy those modes too.

I really do just like going into FFA, picking whatever hero I feel like playing at the moment, and having a good time. Why they need to take that away for a week just to slot in this terrible mode is baffling to me.

FFA deathmatch is cool. Mystery heroes, I personally don’t care for, but I get why some like it. But they don’t belong together. Not when the game isn’t balanced around FFA, and there’s heroes that are useless in that mode like Zarya and Mercy, and heroes that are easy wins when nobody can choose their counters, like Roadhog and Doomfist.

RNG obviously plays a role in regular mystery heroes, but regular mystery heroes is based on 6v6 quickplay rules, which are actually balanced. The RNG in mystery deathmatch is just plain frusterating. I guess some people like it, but removing the normal version for it like this is just aggravating.