More dev stuff (cheating other stuff)


No one cheats in this game, that’s what all the pro forum users say here… haha


i reviewed a match i played yesterday , the enemy soldier was hitting every shot with pinpoint accuracy , didnt think much of it until he kill me and i saw the replay he had either incredible recoil control or was using norecoil macro as he was firing there was no upward recoil at all , after watching his gameplay through the match he had zero recoil during the entire match …

yes macros and cheats are very much being used .

thats not difficult to do, just move your mouse down as you are shooting?

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there was no recoil at all , at any point from him during the entire match , jumping about with perfect recoil control , bearing in mind this is low bronze/ silver match

i know how to control recoil along with others but even with that there is a bit of recoil at points , this match there was ZERO recoil at any point .

dont make excuses for people using macros and cheats , i did a quick google search and found 3 working recoil macros in less than 2 mins , which i did test in the practice range and yes the firing from sodlier76 was laser like at all distances using them , i did send an after game report to blizz ,

Cheats are rampant esp the public ones…… wait till u find out there are private hacks for 400-1000 per month depending on features, user count , etc……. Some of the Higher priced ones are constantly updated basically weekly to keep mem signatures from being detected. People literally have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. If anyone really wants to know, add me and let’s talk and I’ll share some good info with you…. So u can form your own opinion…… There are VIP hacks that costs over 900 a damn month … I wonder who pays this… It only has 50 slots at any given time… Stream Protection and other nutty features…. Now when the “others” come here to dispute this…. Don’t forget I can offer proof , they offer only words