More button options

Title says it all. We need to be able to check whether a player is pressing forward or backward for example. Yes, I know you can use throttle for that, but if you deactivate throttle for one reason or another, it doesn’t work anymore.

Pretty please?


True. Instead of rooting the player, setting his speed to 0.1 or lower worked as a workaround for me.


If you have nothing that is hindering your throttle, you’re good to go, so speed doesn’t matter.

Only works if you don’t want to move the player.

Shouldn’t that work though?

0 < movement speed still uses throttle.
0 = movement speed detects throttle.

Checking for throttle means that there’s already some force applied to the player.

You cannot currently check in which direction the player wants to move without either completely rooting the player or letting the player apply force to their movement. So, if you want to force constant movement in a specific direction, while also allowing the player to use their movement buttons, you are out of luck currently.

I have also been hoping for some kind of Movement Input value, basically would just get the input directly from the WASD/joystick without getting screwed up by the Rooted status and forced/transformed throttle like Throttle Of does.


Just went into a custom game yesterday were I was working on a smoother air control and I realized that Doom’s uppercut/slam disables throttle input.

I believe it is possible to allow player to control throttle while not having the player move. You would have to Apply Impulse in the opposite direction the player is moving.