Moira's utility

Let me preference this by saying I’m a Moira main and I really don’t think she needs utility; she’s fun and engaging just as is and she’s more effective in 5v5.

However, a lot of players want her to have another utility other than her fade. So I think the best way to give her utility and not change her playstyle much is to play into her ability to life steal and how her succ and damage orb are supposedly weakening her opponent lore wise.

Damage Orb changes to Enfeeble Orb (basically bringing back necrotic orb but better):
Same stats as damage orb but upon activation (pressing interact key when the orb is in play) it bursts and opponents that are caught in the blast have their damage output reduced for 4 seconds.
A max of 40% to a min of 20% reduction of damage, depending on how much of the orb was used before activation. If the burst is used, cool down increases to 12 seconds.

Heal orb changes to Aliment Orb:
Same stats as heal orb but upon activation it bursts and gives teammates caught in the blast the ability to life steal for a max of 5 seconds to a min of 3 seconds, depending on how much of the orb was used before bursting. Teammates who deal damage with this in effect will regenerate health equal to the amount damage given. So if you do 12 points of damage you receive 12 points of health. If the burst is used, cool down increases to 12 seconds. The burst is not applicable to Moira herself.
TBH I’m not sure how Aliment orb would work, I just like the idea of giving your teammates the ability to heal themselves provided they’re doing their job but idk if health received should be equal to damage given or if it should be a percentage.

Just something I been thinking about. This really wouldn’t change her playstyle that much, just give her new tools to enable her team. I would prefer Moira to stay as is tho but I wouldn’t mind something like this.