Moira's "Legendary" skin

at least Syms would actually look like an ice-queen


Just a wild guess but since Ice Queens are everywhere, Disney included, it’s probably hard to avoid copyright issues and plagiarism.

“Yeah, no, just paint her white or light blue and do something with her hair. If we could fit a snowflake in there somewhere, that would be great.”

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I have. And I have also compared it with her normal skin.
Also your “idc what you say, but I’ll continue to complain” is not all that endearing.
Why should anybody care about your opinion if you dimiss others?


Bang bang bang! Three posts in a second!

cause idc about other ppls opinion on the skin as it won’t change my mind on it

she is wearing trousers for an ICE QUEEN skin…

Are you drunk? Is the best skin of this year! OMG !
Finally they gave my ice queen skin. I was hopping for it since the first event.
I was expecting it for Mei but it fits perfectly with Moira and is better on her.

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Then again, why even make your post? If you don’t care about others, then why should people care about yours?

You do know how hitboxes work, yes?


She may be wearing the same type of outfit, but they didn’t just change the texture on it like they do with epic skins.

It has all sorts of fancy bits and baubles going on


yeah and? for Blackwatch they removed her hip plates, so it’s not like they couldn’t have done something fancy with her hip plates and changed her legs to tights/skin


I love it, it looks great and it has more than enough model changes to justify legendary status. Compare it to her “pale” skin for reference.

Just because a skin doesn’t completely change the character’s silhouette doesn’t mean it’s bad.


I live in a cold climate and I love icy skins, so I love this skin. I agree it looks a bit like an epic skin, but I love her original design too. So yeah, I’ll use this skin a lot :snowflake:

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I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you, but I am!

I’m sorry that Moira got such a…seemingly low effort skin? It really does look like an epic, way more so than the Mei one, and the makeup job is…not good. I wish that OW had artists on the team who understood makeup, because it’s always done rather…interestingly.

If the lipstick was darker blue it’d be 1000x better

Sorry that your first winter skin for your main was a dissapointment. This is how I felt about Sugar Plum

Edit: Even the first person gloves and nails looks like an Epic…


The Moria skin looks like the Evil white witch from Narnia

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I feel like if this skin was for mercy it would be amazing gkdgkdgkdkdgk

Like I just know if it was for mercy 100x more effort would have been put into it… even Mercy’s snow angel Epic looks 100x better lol

it really doesn’t, otherwise I’d be hella happy af. I love tilda swinton (the actress who plays the ice queen in narnia)

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Compare it to her pale, which is actually an epic. This new skin is great and is by no means “low effort”


Her sleeves man… just got a re colour that is low effort if u don’t think so then yea but her sleeves is what we see in game y’no… when playing her

And uhm yeah it just looks too much like her regular skin


If people just take a closer look at the skin they’d see all the details.
From the amazing backpack, to the nicely done hair and crown, it’s just such neat details.

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That’s my opinion :slight_smile:

Also they really should have changed her skin color. Her skin is really red and looks too alive for the white hair and blue makeup


That was my first thought!

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Horrible hair because Moira don’t even have long hair and they put her hair into a bun lol