Moira's launch nostalgia

I watched her launch trailer like five times. Such a cool aesthetic.

Who remembers the Mercy-Reaper fandom blowing up because their theory was wrong?

Um, she was overtuned almost 2 years, she had more heals than ana, easier to do it as well, more survibility than every support other than brig, had group healing, had good damage, and a fast charging good ult, she was overtuned. Right now sheā€™s pretty balanced I would say


I remember when flankers would flee when trying to attack the back line. Now they have free reign to do what they please.

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Moria would be fine if they just didnt remove the ā€œbugā€ that allowed her to heal through shields. Then she could have a purpose.

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Well, yeah. They nerfed her because she was

I know Iā€™m always on here with the odd takes, but I think we can all agree that easy characters shouldnā€™t be able to outshine harder characters. If it takes less effort to do more, or more effort to do less, thereā€™s a big problem in balance and design.

Thatā€™s the big issue with Brig, you know? She can hold W and M1 and get a ton of value.


Sure, but maybe she should do less healing, too? Itā€™d be annoying to have her not only heal though something that counters healing, but also heal allies to full health with ease.

Sure Jan, whatever you see. She was nerfed for no reason at all multiple times, she didnā€™t have the highest healing, easy escape, ability to duel players far above her caliber, truck sized damage hitbox, etc.

She was overtuned. Thereā€™s a reason why people had to be dragged kicking and screaming into toning her down. Itā€™s because unskilled people depended on all of the overtuning to perform at a similar level to better players.

It was always a bug, no air quotes. The old forums are down now but there was even a post on the bugs section before Moiraā€™s release where it was confirmed that healing through shields was a bug. It took them so long to fix it that people thought the devs never intended too, but that was the intention from the beginning.

Remember how at launch the succ beam and coalescence were totally opaque and you were literally immortal because nobody could see you through them?

Good times.

Launch Moira was one of the most balanced heroes compared to all of the new overtuned heroes introduced later (Barring maybe Orisa).

Launch Moira thru first 2 yrs was a killing machine with ridiculously high burst healing. Of course she was ā€œfunā€.

However, current meta favors ranged dps and Zarya/Hog/Ball doing their own thing, so there really isnā€™t this packed blob of teammates to burst heal. Add to that the dmg nerf and now she suddenly has nothing to do.

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Launch Moira was only a killing machine when flankers didnt respect her and there were lots of flankers that didnt.

Other than that, launch Moira sat in a weird position of a niche healer.

The irony is only the unskilled people complained about her because she was hot garbage in high ranks. This is how I know which camp you belong to lmao. :sob: :sob: A support with 50 DPS killed me because I canā€™t aim :sob: :sob: lmao


Lucio: Welcome to the club.

Yet only low ranked support players insisted she needed things like a truck sized hitbox to perform. Those bad players are so transparent itā€™s hilarious. Terrible, scrub players grasping to insult otherā€™s aim, while demanding to have a character that they canā€™t miss with. Anyone who is actually good at the game doesnā€™t need the crutch, those who insist that she did?

We see you, cry more about it.

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She just made a lot of Genji and Tracer mains butthurt.

LMAO more irony. Calling other players scrubs because you died because you were the one that couldnā€™t hit them. Donā€™t worry my dude. Just because youā€™re bad at a video game and have terrible logic doesnā€™t mean you are worth less as a person. :hugs:

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Saying launch Moira destroys Genji/tracer is laughable since she never did that. She was basically like sym, a dps race, either you kill her or back off.

Launch Brig for example, shut flankers much harder than Moira did.

She was the reason i continued to play the game. She literally skyrocketed to my most played character in such a short period. She was amazing character and super fun to play. Now i am barely picking her. She is just a shadow of what she used to be. And i insist that she was never really OP or broken, she was just this strong character that had no utility but was able to deal with annoying flankers, deal good damage and do good heals. She had really simple kit but was super fun to play for what she was. Now she is not worth picking at all.

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Iā€™m more so talking about where she is now rather than where she was when her rework first dropped. Even if I was talking about when it first dropped, it was at the very least effective enough to make her a meta pick which is something that canā€™t really be said for any of the other reworks.

Also it was successful because it got rid of mass rez. I know the community is 50/50 split on this issue but imo, mass rez was incredibly annoying and had no place in this game. I definately prefer the options and value valkarie provides more than just sitting and waiting for your team to die on cart. Also single rez making you vulnerable forces you to think before using it which is something mercy didnā€™t really have to do before rezing her entire team.