Moira's Damage is Fair

That is not an issue, a hard to play hero being a stable pick for 5 seasons in 1 rank and only the 1 top rank is not an issue. There was issues that made her worse, but it had no effect on the game or nearly all of its players.

Having must picks in the meta for 5 season is an issue. People go crazy now if it is for one season.

The fact that the GM’s didn’t have an answer to mobilty flankers in general was an issue.

It is was ONLY Tracer then maybe it wouldn’t have been an issue, but it was both mobility flankers all the time.

Okay. I saw the clip too, yeah it’s funny. But it’s also not practical. It’s not normal for both Moira and tracer to stand back to back without tracer moving or shooting or caring.

You aren´t contenders Trials cause you participated in open division honey. You are either contenders or not contenders either way, so stop pandering. Wondering why you never kept it up and dropped, was it cause Mercy was no longer a must pick in the whole game and you dropped as a result ?

not to mention you got dead last.

I was a Zen main at the time.

We did get dead last, but we did get there.

Both Mobility Flankers were dominate GM picks for 5 seasons.

If it was SOMETIMES Tracer and SOMETIMES Genji, that wouldn’t have been an issue.

But it was both, and all the time, which SHOWS that mobility flankers were broken.

When there is ONLY one DPS strategy which worked in high ranked play “throw mobility flankers at them” then it isn’t exactly the sign of a healthy game.

Tracer wasn´t a must pick at any point in time, her pickrate was never even close to that status, idk what you expect to get from lying out your rear ?

Only the OWL players and no one else, so they mirrored, everyone knew why, was OP and too strong to carry dive, the flanker counters was perfectly dive “deleteable” and some of the weakest in the game. That has nothing to do with heroes being OP and the stats clearly showed it. Not even GM top 1% did she have a Near must pick status, to that of todays heroes.

Genji had a better playrate overall in all ranks, still no where close to any tank, support that has been meta in the last 20+ seasons.

I’ve posted the charts showing her GM pick rates MANY time.

So you would expect them NOT to be the dominate pick in gm when D’va was not meta right? RIGHT?

That was the issue, it didn’t matter at all WHO was being run in the tank and support line up, it was STILL the same DPS.

Which is why I talk about pre dive… because it shows that.

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Inaccurate, you keep portraying this lie, we know the stats from then never showcased them at near must pick status, why are you lying ?

In AUS, season 1, clearly you weren´t of the contenders level at all. Quite clearly you hold that achievement high as it seems like it holds value, but anyone that knows about early seasons, support players and off region tournaments know the truth.

There wasn´t, because neither Genji nor Tracer had above 8% pickrate, not even close either.

Were you high by chance when you wrote this?

Do I have to post all of this charts yet again?

Yes I am in fact. But I reread it. It’s exactly what I wanted to say.

Oh I read it clearly the first time… yeah, hmm hm :roll_eyes:

“Balanced” doesn’t necessarily equate to good in terms of design and player satisfaction.

She isn’t op. So you must be implying she is up.

I didn’t say she was OP now did I? Unbalanced and poor design is not the same thing as OP…

Yeah go right ahead, showcase pickrates from season 1-5 of the whole comp ladder and GM specifically, i would love seeing Tracer at 8-16% pickrate :slight_smile:

I’ve recreated it in games and have died to it MANY times. I actually became aware of it because of watching replays and watching the enemy moira POV as she drains me looking away from me.

“MoiRAz FiNEz, YoUZ LoZe To Da MoiRAZ yOUz SuXORz CUz YoUZ caNTz AimZ” … but for some reason, we don’t ask the same from Moira… :roll_eyes:

I only play QP now, Comp games are too long and the games gets stale fast. It is entirely possible that higher ranks in comp play differently and they maybe better at healing but that isn’t the majority of what and where people play. Most Moira’s are garbage but doesn’t mean all are. Once in awhile I see some decent ones. Either way, it is a noob pick.

It’s like Moira has only 50DPS and not 180 or something high like most Damage heroes. Hmm, interesting observations.

Balanced has nothing to do with satisfaction in my book. Balance to me is more of a statistic instead of an emotion. And all and all I’d say she is balanced. But I’ll agree she is poorly designed, because of how inviting her damage aspect is. But balance wise I think she’s in a good place.