Moira should have no upward mobility during Fade

but its not just an ability, its her whole kit

Dang, what did Moira did to you?

Lmao, someone got diffed as Genji huh… we Moira mains have to do a lot more effort to do things than what you think, outplay us. We do make mistakes. Same with every other hero, everyone can get outplayed.

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Hehe, if marvel rivals had its own general forums and hero icons you would see a spider man icon complaining about the scarlet witch😁

(i love specifically targeting them as the witch hehe)


Please do not insult me. The day I get outperformed by a dps Moira is the day Ill eat my keyboard


dont forget to add the salt

moira is definitely the weakest character in the game by a long margin



“support can kill me, that means bad!” no

So you want the devs to make her worse than she already is? Are you getting melted on DPS by a Moira most matches?

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They should nerf Genji to have no upward mobility. It’s too annoying to track a few heroes who have verticality while most have none. Or more importantly, because OP has a Genji avatar.

I will assume you’re a Genji player.

Moira is only often problematic for Genji really. This is mostly due to the fact he can’t close distance on her, unless she severely screws up, misusing Fade. She can also employ every movement tactic in the book with no penalty to her damage.

I just went 30-0 as Moira in GM XD

its always a skill issue.
hate moira? skill issue.
hate widow? skill issue.
hate junk? skill issue.
hate tracer? skill issue.

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Out of all the busted abilities on Support … you are going to complain about Fade?


Moira is far from the only hero who has a kit that isn’t aim-dependent and gets easy value compared to the skill level put into it. (on a base level).

Is it any less irritating to die from Junk spamming grenades and mines at you or a dying to a Torb turret while he armors up and spam fires in your direction? Compare dying to one of them vs. a hero whose entire kit is basically aim-dependent.

Or to be denied a kill because Mercy is holding a single button and keeping the enemy character alive vs. actually killing that character because their healer (not Mercy) was actively missing shots and you were able to out-damage their received healing?

I could go on - but the point is Moira isn’t special in that regard. Sure, she has a simple kit that’s easy to get value out of on a base level, but you can definitely tell the good Moiras from the bad.

What does make Moira special is at least to balance the irritation she lacks real utility + her damage AND healing are tied to cooldowns. If she’s using her orb to do damage, her healing suffers greatly which most decent players / teams can take advantage of.

That’s why Moira is virtually nonexistent at most levels serious of gameplay.

Moira is a skill-check on DPS/flankers that many fail because, to be frank, they’re not as good as they want to believe they are. If Moira was as OP as some people on the forums act like she is - we’d be seeing her far more consistently at higher levels of play. But we do not, because her lack of utility + healing being tied to a resource meter are liabilities.


yeah nah, moira has ez fire, lifesteal, ez escape, ez self heal

After few tries, imo the +0,5s is actually better than upward mobility.

That means DPS players are too bad.
Moira dps is between 65 and 120 which is lower than almost any DPS hero stat.

Stop dying, take cover, make damage and Moira will have an interest into healing you.

It’s fine for people to dislike heroes, we all do. But to think one of the weaker supports needs nerfs to like all parts of her kit, that’s just plain wrong.


Moira outperforms the enemy DPS only when she’s on the winning side of a stomp…which is about 50% of the time. That’s a matchmaker thing, not a Moira thing.

Moira outperforms her own DPS only when she’s been put on a team of noobs…which is a matchmaker thing, too.


2018 called. It wants it’s Moira is OP thread back. :smile:


Aww genji main thinks he can talk about moira

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