A weapon that the user must track to have the enemy remain within its hitbox so the beam doesnt disconnect isn’t lock on.
It isn’t. Say you are on Tech support, and someone calls up because someone uninstalled the internets at their house.
After much talking you find out that they can’t work out where exporers icon is any more.
You may NOT think they should explain the workings of a computer to you.
If you want people to take you REMOTELY seriously, you have to be able to show you can even start having a reasonable conversation.
Ok, lets pull the rest of this apart.
Moiras weapon is like that because she was built during Dive as a counter to mobility.
They had a choice between making her be able to hit mobile heros, or give her a bunch of CC - as one of the problems in dive was the mobility heroes diving the back like. They didn’t REALLY want to add more CC, so… she got the beam.
It failed because it didn’t go far enough, so they built a NEW support to do the job, Brigitte, which DID end dive by using the CC they didn’t want to add to Moira.
NOW you have context on WHY it is like that.
It is anti mobility, without being CC.
They DIDN’T want it to be crazy powerful vs other heros, so they made it’s damage very low.
It Is MEANT to be mechanically very easy, because it is designed to hit fast moving targets.
I guess you didn’t look at the video closely. Look at the positions of the reticle and ask yourself “why is the beam still drawing essence?”
I did. I’m very familiar with Mora’s right click.
Has this not been explained already? The animation is smaller than the hitbox. So, in order to not look ridiculous the animation appears to “latch” onto targets.
The hitbox does not move. You can test it in the practice range. Thus, it’s not a lock on. Can’t believe we’re still having this discussion in 2019.
Stop being wrong and try to act like we are arguing semantics buddy, its really sad and embarrassing … specially when ANYONE can go into the game and see you are factually, objectively and empirically WRONG:
Zero mechanical skill = Aimbot or Aimlock
Moira’s beam has NONE of those things. Stop raging because you got killed by a Moira you can’t aim and kill.
I don’t even have an issue with Moira’s beam being how it is, I just have an issue with all of you being so obsessed with the terminology used rather than what people are actual trying to say.
There can be a 7 paragraph essay on why someone doesn’t like Moira, referring to her beam as a ‘lock on’ and most of you will ignore all of it and go straight to the terminology they decided to use instead of their actual arguments.
It happens in every thread about Moira.
I understand where you’re all coming from, I don’t like when the term term “assist” is used to refer to an ‘Elimination that Genji didn’t get the final blow for’ when discussing his Dash Reset, but I still read what they’re actually saying and explain why I do/don’t agree with what they’ve written, instead of attempting to invalidate their entire post purely because they used the wrong terminology once.
I’m not raging at all, nor am I incapable of aiming at a Moira. I have very few issues with Moira and I don’t have any issue with her beam. I just have an issue with how you all obsess over the terminology used.
Because people are sick of it. You just ended up as the latest of a long long long line of people doing this.
So you got all of the fury which has built up over the rest of them.
I think they should rework it to similar to Symmetra, and they could buff her self-healing from it.
I guess you didn’t listen closely to the video either. When drawing essence you can hear a unique sound when it’s working and near silence when it isn’t. Use your eyes and ears and look at the reticle position in relation to the target and ask yourself “why is the beam still drawing essence?”
LOL good luck with convincing her mains there is anything wrong with a character targeting box literally double the size of a test range dummy against a character that actually has to aim, while it also heals them. With damage orb out, which is almost guaranteed in a duel, its 100 DPS with basically no aim requirement while healing. What could be wrong with that?
overwatch.gamepedia .com/Moira
Nothing more to say. Look for Strategy, Weapons and Abilities.
EDIT: I copy the text phrase.
Secondary Fire (damage)
- Emits a medium-range beam which locks onto the enemy closest to the crosshair. It deals 50 damage per second, and if locked onto an enemy hero, heals Moira for 30 health per second and replenishes Moira’s resources. Unlike her healing spray, the secondary fire can be maintained infinitely at no cost.
When someone says “lock on” I expect that they mean lock on. It’s not on me to try and guess wtf it is you’re talking about because you’re too lazy to slog a few more words together.
Yes, Moira’s right click has a low mechanical skill requirement and is forgiving to use. No, it is not lock on. Nor is it a soft-lock or any other ridiculous euphemism.
only idiots genuinely think moira is op.
It’s very obvious what people are talking about. I guess reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.
Yeah, what you are saying right here makes zero sense dude. Mostly because :
1- If you truly dont care, then you wouldnt be replying
2- If you are actually a grammar obsessed dude, that don’t like people using bad terminology, then you would agree that an Apple is not an Orange.
It is what it is. Just because you call an Apple “A red orange” it is NOT an Orange dude. Just like Moira’s beam is NOT LOCKED. This is a FACT.
I. Am. Very. Familiar. With. Moira’s. Right. Click.
Bro, I just explained this.
I care about the fact that Moira players obsess over the terminology used instead of the points people make about the hero.
I have no issues with the character, just the people on the forums who refuse to look at anything besides the terminology used.
The point of comprehension is understanding what is written, not mindreading someone through a computer screen.
And aside from that ludicrous point, here the OP is talking about an actual lock on. So not only was that comprehension jibe outrageous, the point you’re making is outright wrong.
Hanzo’s arrows are so fast we might as well call them hitscan.
Who cares what you call them? The point is that they’re fast, you’d be very correct in comparing Hanzo’s arrows to hitscan considering their speed.
Just as you can easily compare Moira’s beam to a lock-on with it’s forgiving hitbox.
While they might not explicitly be hitscan or lock on mechanics, they’re very similar to them so the terminology used shouldn’t be focused on, the actual argument people are making about them should be.
Stop focusing on the incorrect terminology and actually pay attention to the point the person is trying to make.
I’m not talking about this thread, I’m talking about the majority of Moira threads where people ignore almost everything besides one instance of incorrect terminology used to describe her beam and make the entire thread about the differences between a lock-on and what Moira has.
If someone said “Hanzo’s Scatter Arrow was broken- a hitscan ability that oneshots most tanks isn’t fair”, you would see people commenting on the fact that it’s not hitscan, but you should and likely would see discussion about Scatter Arrow oneshotting tanks.