Moira is the better pick over mercy

usually, there are 2 dps per game in comp. you’re not supposed to play ana when you have widow or hanzo, or both, as dps. you will just not get enough value out of ana. and in that case, you go mercy.

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It’s been that way for years on Overbuff, so that’s a “overbuff web developer” question. I’m not sure.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I mean, it’s because Symmetra was originally a support. They never moved her on overbuff when they moved her in the game.

Same with the obsolete offense/defense hero classification.

I can answer that!!!

They haven’t put developer effort towards their front end for a LONG time. I’ve been half tempted to ask if I could take up development work for it.

I built a front end for a tracker which I ran for years, it was more, useful, I’d say than Overbuffs.

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what’s the most important part then? dive beats bunker comp right? so if you have a winston zapping several people at once, group/burst heals isn’t optimal in that situation?

I don’t think more people finding one hero fun to play than another is a good reason to change them. You might ruin the hero for the people that still do enjoy them.

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The MASSIVE change in pick rates from one version to another should be cause for concern.

They don’t have to lose her current players to get her old ones back, they just have to work out why they lose them in the first place.


Honestly a lot of it, is just people finally having a decent alternative to Mercy that is on the same power level.

Also, there are four main healers now, up from two. That’s a big change.

Yeah, but it didn’t drive the change. The timing is all wrong there, and sure as hell Moira being added, didn’t make Ana the pick for low ranks, she already existed.

I stopped playing her because her play style got a bunch of pauses in it. It was frustrating, and I couldn’t save people any more.

Too much of her power in her base kit was eaten by Valk + new Rez, so they lowered the healing, which meant that you have to pause a little every jump, and Valk was a mode change, and Rez halted you.

It was a bunch of stuff which made her once smooth playing style really janky.

Who wants to play that?

I REALLY like Mercy’s basic play, but there are so many barriers to just playing her basic kit, that it wasn’t worth it anymore.

It would be like if they removed two of Tracers blinks, but gave her a REALLY big bomb as her ult.

You could rebalance her, keep her viable if the bomb was big enough.

People would hate it though, you will have shifted the power in her kit from what people loved into something people don’t like as much.

Viable? sure.

Even more viable in more ranks, but you would lose her players, and I doubt you would pick up a lot of new ones.


Regarding avg pickrates, Mercy’s been lagging behind Ana, Moira and even Lucio for 6 months straight however, way before Baptiste was introduced.

I believe it’s more than just having alternatives.


Mercy’s current state for me is very counter-intuitive, unrewarding, downright clunky at times, and unimpactful, and apparently I’m not the only one who feels that way, looking at her drop in pickrates. I think they can benefit from a resurgence of her kit, and bringing back elements from it that made her at least fun to play.

I’m not concerned with winrate if that means the hero is atleast enjoyable or impactful to play for me. I think that’s in part why Ana is so popular right now, despite her winrate not being the best. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


A lot of her old pickrate was people forced to play Mercy because she was the only viable main support.

Pretty much always, if you were below masters, you had to play Mercy. Ana has never been good outside high ranks, and was just bad for ages.

6 months is a garbage stat to use. ESPECIALLY since one of the biggest balance patches we’ve ever seen only dropped, what, 2 weeks ago?

Mercy right now is well in line with other supports pickrates and win-rates. It’s not spectacularly high, but in GM she’s 5th picked overall and at 53.76% pickrate is fairly average, if slightly on the lower side at 18th/30, roughly on par with Widowmaker, Dva and Reinhardt.

Over all ranks, she again makes #5 picked and in terms of win-rate is pretty solidly middle of the pack at 14th.

Mercy right now isn’t in a terrible spot. It’s pretty clear to see with the recent spike in her pick-rate that her power isn’t an issue, the meta was. And now that the meta is moving more towards heroes like Dive Tanks, Flankers and Snipers, Mercy is going to see a TON more usage.


She STILL isn’t viable at the low ranks, but people are picking her over Mercy anyway.

That should be a damn big neon sign that stuff has gone wrong.

It was never like this.

It is like the big bomb tracer thing. You COULD rebalance tracer to be all ult, and no normal game play, but it would suck. Viable? sure, but people wouldn’t like to play her.

Mercy has had the same treatment, for the same results.

I hate to say it, but… most of the playerbase dislikes Mercy’s play style and always has.

If there is a viable alternative, most flex/DPS players will avoid Mercy simply because they don’t like her.

Sure, but now the people who DID like her play style (and from her pick rates, where was a lot of them), also hate it.

how is that better?

I would play old Mercy again, even with single target rez as her ult, but I won’t go near new Mercy.

At what point to you look at a hero, and think, ok, they messed that up?

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Because people still like her and more importantly she’s balanced

Nothing else really matters

When they’re not functioning

She’s functioning

We get it, you don’t like her

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Her win rate is literally better than when she was loved by support mains.

We lost a lot of them, and if we are going to be facing a 2-2-2 role queue, it will suddenly be REAL important to the DPS players to have people who want to support, or their queue times will blow completely out.

A LOT of people don’t like her who used to, and we lose a lot of support players over it.

No one likes to play heroes which feel like garbage, and she was unique in the support area, as the only pure support.

Game play is important, and they could have kept it, while getting rid of mass rez, but they broke it.

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Support player numbers are fine. I never have trouble finding supports.

Nothing kills supporting as a role faster than having Mercy be dominant. She has her dedicated fans but largely nobody else wants to play her. Whereas if Ana is bad, I can play Baptiste, or Moira…

There is a reason that a lot of support players play literally every support but Mercy.

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No one is saying they want her stronger, she is viable.

She is viable with garbage play style, and THAT doesn’t need to be the case.

and we do

If people only liked this game purely for one hero that is not really our problem

Yes we know you hate her

Fun fact just because you think she plays like garbage doesn’t mean she actually plays like garbage

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