Moira is a bad character, not an overpowered one

Again, clearly someone who didnt read the post, and just went “NO NO MOIRA GOOD”
Worthless commenting at this point, if you cant even understand the issue with her characters design, and it fluctuates from being terrible to overpowered based on basically nothing but “how long can you away with holding 1 button”


You got it wrong, mate. The worthless comment is the one that resorts to ad hominem attacks instead of logical arguments :kissing_heart:


Nah. Youre ignoring the double standard her character design has, and the lack of skill floor or ceiling.
The first thing i even mentioned was Mercy and Reinhardt being fantastic characters from a design perspective. Maybe not always meta, maybe need a buff here and there currently, but their design is solid and has room for improvement and its easy to tell and bad Mercy/Rein from a good one.

Moira has no skill floor, its a skill basement, and no ceiling. Theres nothing new you do on Moira, that isnt just what other characters have to do.
Which would be fine, some characters like Zen are similar. They have no real mechanics outside of discord or heal, and using the new kick recently, other than positioning and aim.
But Moira also has no aim requirement.

You pick one or the other, or go down the middle. She does none.


I mean, don’t get me wrong, flex aim is almost too easy, but the mix of Moira’s cooldowns and low damage/healing without skill ~is~ kind of the point.

Moira has a strange kit. She’s mobile, but not fast. She’s a support, but really only shines in group combat. She can do damage, but it’s crap against a whole slew of conditions. She’s got a blink invincibility, but it’s less than half a second. She can self heal, but needs the environment to have any chance to capitalize on it. She doesn’t shield, but she can mitigate.

Mercy is a support. She can pull off dps by using the pistol… MASSIVELY better than Moira. Rein is a tank. He can grape-squish Moira (and nearly anyone else).

Of course comparing different characters will make those differences more obvious.

But what you’re calling bad design is also flexibility. Moira doesn’t have a high ceiling (at all) for the lowest tier of basic support or dps. As you said, point and click. She’s got an escape on a relatively short cooldown. She can self heal (even by accident) and can primarily ignore many terrain features for both heals and damage.

But to use those abilities effectively, especially against other skilled players (like Mercy’s and Reins and Lucios and Ashes and Widowmakers and… well everyone else) actually does take skill.

Moira is squishy as heck. Her auto-attack/heal orbs bounce all over. Their charges are spent crazy fast and auto-divide if more than one target is nearby. Her manual drain/heal both do terrible sustain, but are effectively unlimited.

Learning how to fly/steer while blink jumping is a skill. Learning how to capitalize on terrain is a skill. Learning how to dodge every melee and ranged attack that doesn’t drop your health to 30% instantly, is a skill. Avoiding things while trying to ult because EVERY SINGLE ABILITY you mentioned as being a bad design choice is turned off and you find yourself locked into a DBZ beam while the enemy laughs at your pitiful damage and your allies groan at an ult that might mitigate a lethargic Soldier with carpal tunnel, is a skill.

I’m not saying Moira’s the icon of perfection here… far from it, she’s an entry level annoyance for most of the community, but there’s quite a bit of skill to playing her well.

Good example: I’ve watched a Moira main single-handedly wipe a King’s Row push… while maintaining background healing. I’ve also seen Moira’s be shut down so hard that rage-quitting would have been a mercy for the team.

Characters, especially in competitive scenarios, will rarely be truly balanced. Matches will rarely be one sided. Teams will rarely stick to ONLY one character per member.

If Moira is a particular problem for you, might I suggest trying someone else? There are a lot of playstyles, and for some people, an auto-aim, backline artillery semi-support/dps Moira is gold. For someone else, Moira might be a dive assault. I’ve watched Moira be used as nothing more than a distraction. I’ve also seen skilled Moira players systematically take apart teams.

A character like that has flexibility… and the PLAYER is the one that benefits from learning the nuances.

Not every avatar is a one-hit wonder. Sometimes not being an archetypal parody means you don’t seem as shiny. Strange… it’s kinda like real life.

And saying that there’s nothing new that Moira does that some other character doesn’t already do? That’s a two way street. Moira heals (like any number of supports), Moira does damage (like everyone can), Moira has less accuracy required (but AOEs, splash, persistent effects, and situational insta-kills are fine), Moira can fire and forget (on a long cooldown with low damage, contrasted to say… missiles, bombs, sentries, turrets, poisons, sleeps, etc.), but also has almost (if not actually) zero penetration against shields or screens.

You’re argument, while not wrong, isn’t really comprehensive. Worse, it’s dismissive of the niche Moira allows.

Moira is a middling support with a low learning curve to play reasonably and a sharp curve to play exceptionally.

Saying Mercy and Rein have easy access but lots of room to improve skill while Moira doesn’t ignores the weaknesses Moira has to overcome to get to those levels.

Also… you might want to cut back on speaking for other people. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you does not mean they didn’t read or that you’re right. There is this thing that happens when people have opinions… sometimes they disagree.


I agree she’s designed poorly, I know the forums is like the only place on the internet that will jump at a moments notice to fanatically defend Moira because this is the support “mains” with a victim complex club.

But pretty much needs to face the facts when it comes to Moira, IMO every support bar Mercy is currently better then her, she has nothing special about her because of her one dimensional “I heal and do damage” playstyle, with no play making capabilities to boot, heck even Mercy has that. I think she’s in need of a rework simply because she’s straight up crap in higher elos but an issue in low elos.


She’s fun tbh and I enjoy breaking 10k dps and heals on her regularly!

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You’re just afraid of Moira’s big balls and getting sucked to death.


So I met my life partner online and she turned out to be a guy?

I wonder if anyone has told her that?


Oh, there was definitely more than that one single error in your posts…

I think the complaints are coming in because we are just seeing more Moira at the moment. The OP Sombra is forcing your hand into playing her, and to playing somewhat frontline because anyone in the back is getting ganked.

So players are seeing more Moira in their games and finding repeated situations irritating.

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Moira: “I’ve dealt with cynics before.”

People who say Moira is bad or whatever, don’t play her. Don’t like playing against her? Deal with it, it’s a skill issue. You’re exposing yourself if you think she has a low skill ceiling. The best part is you’ll never understand that.

If people want to play supports other than Moira, do so, and hopefully they make even more supports. A lot of people like Moira. She’s fun, she’s great. They shouldn’t change her for people who don’t want to play her. I love that the game has such varied characters so people can find what they like even if that means there’s a lot of characters not for them.

Like, I don’t like Mercy, but I’m glad people who enjoy that character can play it.


She is not OP at all, she is just a Support that was ideal for 5v5 aggro style. Literally all Moira players from OW1 are shining now because the style is really good for OW2.

Thats it.


I don’t think your comparisons work.

Being a good Mercy does not come from mastering the character, it comes from game knowledge, positioning etc which means that if you have a good game sense, “mastering” Mercy can be done pretty easily. She has really no skill ceiling because what makes a good Mercy is not based around her kit.

Moira is really similar in that sense: she’s easy to pick up and doesn’t need much mechanical skill, you really only need game sense, and less than Mercy i’d say since you only need to know when to DPS and when to heal. Her ult really is just as braindead as Mercy, but you at least have to aim in the general direction you want to hit.

Moira however is a much better character to play for a new player looking into the support role. She teaches you basic skill that are applicable to other heroes (CD management, tracking, positioning, she even has a ressource meter to introduce to this mecanic). Mercy is a really bad character for new players because she teaches you nothing applicable to other heroes and she even makes you get very bad habits like poor positioning, infinite ressources, afk ult etc.

As For Reinhardt, I’ve never seen anyone say he had a low skill floor. He is pretty hard to pick up since he, too, plays so differently from all other characters, you need to know how to get to melee without getting destroyed, Shatter is not that easy to use etc
A new player looking into tanks should play someone live D.Va.

Moira is not the best designed support, she definitely isn’t overpowered, but people in low elo can’t deal with low but very constant damage (which Moira does the best), they don’t know how to burst and they don’t know how to focus which makes Moira’s mere 50dps seem overwhelming. I get how she is in a way problematic because her aim is tracking which is easier than hitscan or projectile, she has self sustain, movement etc, but she also is a very good introduction to the support role, especially in Ow2 where you need to DPS even as a support.


Moira was released in 2017 (6 FREAKING YEARS AGO) and people are still complaining ?
Get some hobbies yall, you are just hurting yourself at this point


Nah not anymore, she is doing good in all ranks right now.

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Says OP, who started his post with:

nuff said.


she aint bad or overpowered, ppl are just trash at this game

Moira is incredibly hard to screw up. There’s a reason she’s the most picked support right now.

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Honestly, I find Lucio to be waaaay easier to pick up and go. Not to pick on Lucio players or your avatar or Lucio as a character - he is cool. But he is really easy to be useful with - just stick to your team, use speed on the way to objective, use heal near your team on objective, boost when someone is on lower HP, boop flankers away. It’s not everything about Lucio, but it’s enough to be quiet useful to your team.

Counter argument, its not that the Moira doesn’t deserve the kill but the other player deserved the death. Fighting a Moira is basically a skill check, you know what they can do, you know what you can do about it, either outplay it or get checked by your own lack of skill.

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