Moira and Mei need nerfs

both need a rework tbh

Take a drink everytime there is a ‘nerf x hero’ topic from someone with zero posts.

Mei needs so that her ult doesn’t get cancelled (bug that still hasn’t been fixed?) when she gets stunned mid cast, then we can talk about nerfs.

Mei and Moira don’t need anything of the sort. Ana is the to-go Queen of Supports and Mei is a barely used DPS.


Being annoying isn’t grounds for a nerf. Moira is totally fine, and Mei is pretty much only good in low ranks.

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Pretty much all heroes get their ults cancelled if they’re stunned. That’s the point of the stun.

Mei’s icicle is about retarded, I agree. Needs to fire a bit faster, but have about half the fire rate. The hanzomei spam is not a good thing.

Moira needs to have her death ball replaced with some kind of utility move. Turrets are not cool, and floating invulnerable turrets are REALLY not cool. Plus she needs some utility for the top end players, something to compete with speed boost/discord/nano/rez.
Zen and Lucio could really use a little competition, maybe a weaker version of one of their trademarks would be good.

Moira’s beam is fine, it really couldnt be any weaker. I hate how big the hitbox on it is, but if the death orb was a speed boost instead I think you would probably need to keep hitbox and even boost damage some to compensate. But at least the beam requires Moira to play and remain in LOS - the death ball is straight dumb.

Then how can I use my ult without getting countered 100% of the time? Pretty much everything counters Mei’s ult when compared to other ults.

Stuns are everywhere now, once it was fine because all I had to do was to bait Genji’s deflect or D.Va’s DM and avoid McCree stunning you.

But now there’s this braindead sh*t called Brigitte that can stun you every 7 seconds without the need to calculate. (McCree’s stun can be baited by Mei, D.Va’s DM is pretty much short)

All you need to do is press RMB and then press LMB, easy!

As braindead as deflect is at least I can freeze Genji, meanwhile every of Brigitte’s counters has been nerfed to oblivion so that I can’t soften her HP while my AOE carries burst her shield down.

Mei’s ult is so easy to evade if you have common sense, which is why it shouldn’t lose all charge if I get stunned mid casting. Even Sombra’s EMP seem to have more range than Mei’s.

“Stuns are everywhere”

Are there not only 2? None of those counters are exclusive to Mei, you just have to know when you should use the ult and it won’t get countered. Mei also has one of the fastest charging ults in the game if you can aim the icicle.

You have a point with timing, but there’s still no justification making her projectile disappear the moment she gets stunned.

Zarya’s projectile doesn’t disappear into thin air when she gets stunned mid casting, so why should Mei’s? (experienced this a few hours back)

This should be a fair comparison since both launches a projectile at their enemies and has similar charge times if you’re good.

Zarya’s ult is an instant cast. Mei has a cast time.

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Why? What’s wrong with Moira’s beam and Mei’s freeze? What was even the purpose of this post? There’s no way this has convinced anyone Moira and Mei need nerfs. Especially the devs, who can actually do something to fix Moira and Mei (assuming they need fixing).

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I also feel like the resulting freeze should have its duration increased. I am in favor of this “nerf”.

Mei’s ult is a zoning tool for vs most heroes, only the slow guys will generally get caught in it.

Still its pretty good, honestly. hard to shield it.

An excellent suggestion! I’ll send it the unofficial Overwatch Forum Drinking Game Committee for consideration.

This message brought to you by the unofficial Overwatch Forum Drinking Game.

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This is not a bug. It’s a case of latency and Favor-the shooter affecting projectile ultimates, with the exception of Zarya due to the lack of a cast time and thus not having a window in which she can be stunned.

You should give this a read:

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I think Moira’s right click needs a range nerf. Nothing significant, maybe a meter or two. It current has slightly more range than Mei’s own left click, which makes it entirely likely that she will survive a 1v1 vs most close-range characters without needing to phase to another area just to switch things up.

Moira does need a slight adjustment. When a headshot is used against her, it does NOT crit. She does need a healing pool that does NOT deplete if they want to start the process of moving from Mercy to moira. Moira’s damage orb lasts too long.

Mei does need a 50 HP health reduction and Ice spikes should have a projectile drop ratio, otherwise she can do the same as what McCree, and hanzo already can do.

Except that Moria can heal everyone in front of her at the same time. If you make it inf, you’re going to end with Bastion Bunker Meta.

And Mei’s hitbox is pretty big. You say she should have fall off, but then if you do, she becomes the game’s ONLY non shotgun projectile with falloff. PLUS, Hanzo and McCree shoot faster than she does. Unless you mean for it to arc, similar to Torb’s main shot?

It moves in a very predictable path. It’s usually better to walk through it and take 20 damage than follow its path and take all 200 (unless you’re not suicidaly out of position or a flanker with the mobility to always avoid it, in which cases you literally can’t die to it).

I’m gonna need to see a source on that. At worst it’s a very bad bug that hasn’t been caught somehow.

The orb has just as many drawbacks to balance it as the beam does. People complain about how long it lasts but I’ve NEVER seen it hang around in any useful area for more than a few seconds out of ten. It likes to bounce off of geometry and into the sky, never to return. There’s also the fact that if it ticks even once against a second person, it can’t single-handedly kill any 200 HP hero. The only people who die to it are constantly way out of position and that’s their misplay. The damage orb is basically a “Here, enemy healer, have a free ult on me,” and is rarely ever actually better than the healing orb.

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