Moira and lil Zarya

Personally I think the following things will help bring out the almost ghost like lore of Moira and “always dependable persona of Zarya(Sorry I didn’t talk about Zarya as much) Lets get this post a ton of likes so blizzard will read it: I actually like the new Moira fade. It fits her character. But the damage orb. Why not have it so when it drains the enemy it can bounce back to an ally and they heal based on what is drained away. It won’t be as much as the healing orb but still it would help her be more centered on healing the damage mix. Also to help her healing and damage combination why not have it so a percentage of what she drains goes back to her as her healing mist. So maybe 25% goes to her most pool but the rest goes to her team as heals. Lastly why not have it so with her healing orb when an enemy is near it, while it’s near them, they get slowed as long as it’s there like symetra. That way dps Moiras have to heal to do combo damage and healing moiras have more defense against any new meta. I say that because the goal of the game is to fix a character so they won’t need to be changed anymore and be balanced rather then having them constantly need new patches and I think this concept can be end game for moira and also maybe let X-rays bubble 2 people rather then 1 or a whole team but reduce her charge she gets from them but increases the charge she gets on her self bubble. This will better bring out Zarya’s dependable persona and versatility for the end game to her constant buffs and nerfs