[mode] Tower escape [2.10.4]

read 'read me before load the mode!'
Hello everyone!
I think some of you already know about this mode, but I want to introduce it to one who don’t. So, this mode is about to get from point A to point B. However it’s not that simple. On your way you’ll meet bastions-turrets that obviously will try to kill you.

There are 30 heroes. To unlock next hero, you should pass all the way to the end or if you stuck on a certain one you can skip it if your death counter is full (to be honest it’s ‘dead: 0/0’ counter because for some unknown reason strings don’t contain word ‘deaths’).

Currently we created 9 maps: Numbani, King’s Row, Dorado, Havana, Lunar colony, Rialto, Route 66, Volskaya ind. and Gibraltar. To switch between then just enable them in server map options.


To setup game follow the steps:

  1. Import code: XAQQE
  2. Choose map which you want to play
  3. Add to team 2 6 hard bastions.
  4. Name game ‘Tower escape - map name
  5. Run it and have fun
How do I add a map
  1. In game settings choose map, that you want to add.
  2. Copy rule ‘map settings - [template]’.
  3. Enable rule ‘’======== set debug on/off (global g)".
  4. Disable rule “teleport bastions back”
  5. Load the game.
  6. When you’re loaded to the map. Check map’s id (purple HUD on the left side) and add it to condition ‘global variable(I) == here current map id’ in your rule ‘map settings - map name’.
  7. Restart.
  8. Setup all variables inside this rule:
    .* index of P from 0 to 5 - bastion positions
    .* B - beacon position
    .* C - change hero ring position (on the spawn)
    .* Start Force Spwan Room(Team1, number of defenders spawn id: 0 - first spawn, 1 - second spawn, …);
    .* D - damage dealt by bastion on your map. Better to leave as it is.
  9. Restart again
  10. (!important) Remember all bastion positions by Y component. Set this values to the Y field of each basiton’s position in array P.
  11. Enable rule “teleport bastions back”
  12. Restart
  13. Check that every bastion is staying still. If not - disable rule “teleport bastions back”, restart, do step 10 again, enable “teleport bastions back”, restart. Repeat if some bastions are still teleporting. If bastion still doing this, change his position.
  14. Disable rule ‘’======== set debug on/off (global g)".
  15. Restart.
  16. Check that everything is working well.
  17. Congratulation! You’ve added new map!
  18. (not that important) Report me (PIRATEBOOT#2133), that you’ve done and I add you map here.

If you want to add jump pads or teleports to the map, you should set all data to the arrays T (teleport position), J (jump pad position), K {radius, impulse} (jump pads characteristic)

That’s all. Thank for your time. Hope you like it.

Mode created by: WOBBLYOW#2981, NOTBANANA#21520 and PIRATEBOOT#2133

Update 23.06.16 [2.10.3]:
New map Hanamura made by Reydi. New system that adds to the map jump pads and teleports (need to setup this). Now you can switch your hero to a previous one on the spawn. ‘Next hero’ hud added. Some bug fixes.
Map Identifier version is still 1.0 bc 2.0 is not working correctly on Numbani and Roialto maps

Update 19.06.19 [2.9]: Map Identifier by Xerxes after the last update is not working properly on the havana map. Currently havana is available, but there’s could be some bugs.
D.Va now can call her mech back if she lost it when she passes 50 meters from the place of ‘death’.

Old versions
  • 2.9: 2H8RP

The mode is awesome! Thanks for making it!

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Fixed in update 2.0.

My son and I had a lot of fun playing this mode this weekend. Thank you!