Mobility has really ruined this game

It works both ways: A Sombra who stays in stealth all day waiting just for the perfect opening is more of a detriment for her team than anything else. It might look unfair or broken in isolated cases, but at the end of the day her original invis was actually better for the Sombra player herself as it forced her to play more actively and aggressively, hence contributing more to the team.

And the Spy is also much more of a menace on his own than Sombra is. He leaves stealth much quieter than Sombra and can one-shot anyone quickly (and some knifes even allow him to not alert other nearby enemies). Spy can also disguise as the enemy (which, I know, wouldn’t work in OW due to one hero limit and small team size, but it does help the Spy for moving around in TF2).

All in all it’s really balanced out all things considered if you compare both. And I’m saying this as someone who preferred the original Invis on Sombra.

Anyway, perma Invis or original Invis, I have the impression that the person I originally replied to doesn’t like Invis in any sense (given how he states that Invis ‘should never exist in an FPS’).


You forgot to mention Spy’s ability to fake his own death. And yes, there is knife, that allows Spy to assume shape of any stabbed enemy immediately, while making corpse disappear and leaving no kill notification for other team. So fast, that even sentry guns can’t stop such Spy.

His disguise has some very unique and powerful perks too. Imagine if Sombra could steal nanoboost from enemy Ana? Or be healed by any enemy healer?

What kind of chaos that would be, if you pocket your team’s Tracer, only to realize that it’s enemy Sombra you just gave nanoboost to? Or hiding behind “tank”, only for that “tank” to finish you?

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It’s not the mobility, it’s the disgusting amount of CC. Genji and Tracer are like annoying pests that buzz around your ear but at least they don’t stun you or boop you and are actually killable when caught. Doomfist? Not only is he insanely mobile and hard to kill but his whole kit is full of stuns and boops. Hammond is basically the same but a fatter version. By the time you finally kill them you will have been knocked around a few dozen times. People say get a character with stunds or lolSombra but that’s just fighting fire with fire. Adding more CC to combat CC is not the way to go.

I had a bad feeling about future heroes back when they added Sombra to the game (who is probably the worst of all). I couldn’t understand how you could design such a character and think it’s fine. Luckly she’s pretty terrible but as they kept adding more and more heroes the amount of CC just kept increasing.
I think when they added Baguette and buffed Doomfist that was the tipping point and the community finally started complaining about the insane amount of CC in this game.

The devs even finally woke up and took note. As a sign that they listened they even explicitly said that Ashe only has her shotgun as CC and it’s mostly used to reposition or escape. Then Baptiste came out and he has no CC at all.
Sadly the damage is already done and you can’t do much about CCfist or Hammond without trashing their entire kit and redesigning it from the ground up. Not that I would mind but those who play them would. At this point I can only hope that the no more CC heroes trend continues after Baptiste.


Yeah, but he can’t go Invisible on command with that weapon, right? (I never used it myself, so I never really understood how it worked).

Yeah, that one. And there’s also the Spycicle that kills someone silently (but then leaves a sculpture of the enemy).

Lol that would be crazy. Yeah, I remember how I once baited a medic to Uber me :joy:. However, it would probably never work in OW because teams are just too small and people would realize too quickly.

It activates as soon, as Spy takes damage, absorbing 75% of it, and giving him few seconds of enhanced cloak(no blinks on damage), speed boost and fire immunity(no afterburn). If Spy disguised as his own team, it drops corpse of that class, which looks from outside like legitimate kill.

With how chaotic fights often become, it can easily work. If Sombra assumes shape of recently killed enemy, other team can easily get confused. You’ll have to pay attention to how your teammate moves, since Sombra doesn’t get abilities of her disguise.

Especially if Sombra will be able to take shape of her teammate, concealing her presence at first.


Doom is such a pain, he seems to be the character players love to smurf with too. Like most of the time he’s just annoying, and then suddenly one game you’ll see a Doom that’s flying in from crazy angles and comboing someone to death before RPing out all in one smooth movement, and they just keep doing it and no one can stop them even if your switch to counters. And they’re not just good, they’re clearly way better than anyone at your rank should be, like they’d have ranked up out of your level in no time if they weren’t throwing other games to prevent that.

He should never have been added to the game. If they had to have a Doomfist, a CC combo based hero was not what this game needed.


Well statistically the playerbase got down dramatically only when they tried to fight mobility with over-saturated CC.

I mean, it was much more fun than today’s Overwatch.
It was also more popular.

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Fighting mobility with turrets could work much better. They may be annoying, but they, at least, can’t chase you around.

Wrecking Ball’s fine. I wouldn’t be opposed to DF going down to 200 base HP though. Make him more appropriately a glass cannon.

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I don’t like letting aimbot ability play the game instead of the player.

If it’s only 2 hero with regular ability which can do that then it okay, but more then that no thanks.

Imo the fast pace of the game is what make it so fun, and the mobility heroes are the edge of it, and i don’t think it’s minority’s opinion.

Oh boy I never thought this day would come. The day where people forgot the brutally broken mechanics of OW when it was released.

Hate to be that guy but yeah … “you think you want that, but you dont”.


Play Sombra against them and they are feeders

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Fast pace is a double edged sword. It also makes game less strategical, making quick actions into only decisive factor.

Games lose players over time.

Translation New heroes counter my Main.

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Because it was new.

Not necessarily because it was better.

Ah… Another this ‘‘x’’ thing has ruined the game threads…
(Is this trend gonna go popular this week/month among the sombra/widow complaints now? lol)

Just cause of this game has ‘‘momility heroes’’ doesnt mean its ruined.

If you dont like playing this game just stop playing it.


Which usually indicates, that game has some issues with keeping them interested.

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I mean I’m not even seeing “this is how you could potentially fix it” type of responses too much. Just, “This character counters my character with CC I hate it I wish they didn’t exist.” Like people don’t remember:

Genji ruins the game because he can just farm DB and kill the enemy and take point–bad design

Tracer ruins the game because she has the best kit out of everyone and if your skilled enough you’ll never die–bad design

Mercy ruins the game because blah(lots of reasons)-bad design.

Guess what? The characters are still here but have been toned down appropriately. In some cases they could even use a buff. My point being, there absolutely is balancing to be done. Doomfist problem is that he can combo someone and then has 500 health to to charge up a punch and kill another person. At that point his CDs let him escape. So Health, RP, CD let him escape. Target one of those.

Hammond…Well there’s nothing about Hammond that is statistically a problem. Like at least with DF his WR at the highest level of ladder is bonkers. It’s annoying to be booped constantly or slammed. But frankly well timed zarya bubbles, DM, Halt…are…all better? And the data kind of substantiates that in one way or another. Still I think it would be better to hear complaints if there was a way to change DF or Hammond attached with this rancor.