MMR reset YES! Thank god

For barely played roles I’m for a soft reset - if that’s possible. But not for all, and definitely not a hardreset.


it isnt hard work. Its wasted time because they will easily get back to their rank, like you said. No one wants to play games that they absolutely roll.

The best offtank in the world placed Gold. The reset will never work. Imagine having to literally double your Sr to get back to where you truly belong


Too bad it was a bug. I’m sure you really wanted to fight against xqc and other OWL players. You’d sure have a lot of fun.


me too but 2500 is too graceful and still keeps bronze out of the running. Lets make it 1000SR and we’ll have all season to climb and reach our ranks :wink:


An MMR reset would be fine, if it was announced before hand, it seems Blizzard has little clue of this current mess tho.

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It’s the forums, you’d get that no matter what the decision.
There are countless “please reset” threads and if they ever decided to do it, there would be countless “please don’t” threads.

Then why lie about the " calibration matches"? if a 4k SR throws 5 or 10 games in a row he/she still will be placed in 4.000 SR.


Buddy I don’t care if I play with them or any famous person. At the end of the day we are all equal humans. I’m in my late 20’s I don’t get amused for playing with “twitch streamers” lol I play this game for fun


Yeah, thanks for completely missing the point. It was more of an " I am 100% positive you would enjoy being stomped every sing game until every person ranked above you was back at their proper rank while you dropped to bronze because you wanted a hard reset and really really wanted to fight against top500s."

And don’t buddy me, you don’t know me.


Are you people actually crazy? When competitive launched, it was a bloody mess while the system had to sort out everyone’s rank. It was volatile for like a year.

Do you really want GM+ in your gold/plat/dia games because the system can’t sort them out? It’s bad enough dealing with whiners, throwers, non-comms and smurfs. This is a terrible idea.

Say NO to MMR reset.


Yeah, the scaling in the game has been wacked for all of the sessions overwatch has had.

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Placements are literally just normal matches except the matchmaker literally implodes for the first 5 games.

It would make it so people who barely comp aren’t playing roles they don’t play often at levels they shouldn’t because of their rank in the old system.

I dont think so!

More like experimental MMR reset to see what will happen, they get the reaction and result they need.

They have the power to delay it and say different kind of Damage control stunt to make it look like an accident but if you look closely its a very well thought and organized move and a very sneaky one too.


You could in a normal distribution, but an MMR reset would break that. You’ll have lots of games with hugely disparate teammates/opponents. Eventually we’ll all be back to where we belong, but it won’t be the standard cakewalk as compared to the pre-reset state.

That’s the thing, they could start with a gold rating, but that doesn’t mean everyone in the game is of gold skill.

But that’s only one half of the problem. The other half is the bronze skill players. These are people who will place gold, and have to lose dozens of games to get to where they belong. That’s not a fun experience. You claim to play for fun. Imagine losing all day, every day, for weeks because the MMR was reset.


I think it was a real bug because that one guy had the 2 sr


I think the people who want a MMR reset don’t want it to be a global reset but instead only effect them.


I think a lot of people forget what season 2 was like for everyone outside of the very top of the ladder. Plat/low diamond was legitimately a nightmare where you had people that ended up in masters/GM the next season with people that have never made it out of gold after season 2. It would be an absolute mess for months if we truly reset the MMR, especially for support players, because performance based SR is gone.

I think that something needs to be done because while there overall have been better games during this role queue beta, there are still far too many times where there are people at their career highs, which in a lot of cases is like 400 SR higher than they have ever been, and they are clearly lost. I don’t know if it is to stop long queue times, but they need to work on how well the evaluate your off roles because there have been some really bad games.

At this point I don’t have enough faith in them to actually be able to rank players appropriately during placements. An MMR reset would do more harm than good

^ This.

Honestly, it’d probably put me even lower, and I know that. XD I think A LOT of arrogant people would be completely devastated to find out they’d actually end up worse if a reset happened.

And, yeah, would not be looking forward to playing against the likes of Kephrii on the first day.

If you really want to see if you’d place higher you can get a second account. But honestly, the vast majority of people would end up about the same place, I guarantee you.


There’s a lot of anecdotal evidence that there’s something hinky about how they tracked role-specific SR prior to releasing role queue, particularly for Support players. I’ve read a fair number of higher/lower than expected placement stories, similar to the one Jeff Kaplan told about his Support placements being different than he thought.

Sure, there’s some validity to the idea that people can’t judge their own performance well, but… There’s a lot of similar reports, which is rather suspicious. It kind of feels like they didn’t properly split the data during their analysis. For example, combining 1-4-1 and 2-2-2 matches to determine role-specific SR, which will obviously penalize Support players who volunteer to be the “1”, but not the occasional Support player who doesn’t flex to save a bad team comp.

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