MMR Reset when?

Too many players take or have taken massive breaks from the game, and come back and get to place within the 100SR of when they last played the game which at this point could be years ago. I think the lack of any sort of decay system has greatly deteriorated the competitive experience and something needs to desperately be implemented to help define the different between competitive and quick play.

Additionally when the core overhaul to competitive was added nearly 2 years ago (Role queue) I was confused as to why the reset didnt happen then? How are you gonna take a 4.2k rein OTP and think he’s also a 4.2k dps that makes no sense, and leaving him to derank to his true rank and plateau is not only lazy, but completely unacceptable


They’d have to revise the entire system, and i don’t know if it would be better.

Also alot of top tier players said that the decay was ruining their lives because it was either spend your entire day on one game or lose your rank.


As far as we know, MMR resets all the time. Anyway it doesn’t matter; MMR only tracks your performance within a certain window, I heard a rumour that it’s within your last 20 games, unlike SR which rank you on your whole career.

MMR is not your rank, that’s SR. The concept of decay does not apply in the way you are thinking.

That said, handicapping makes a farce out of ranked “competitive” play. More information in my thread on the subject:


Tbh, there was a soft reset when RQ came out. I noticed it when doing my placements. Before RQ I was hovering around 2480 on my main and only touching Plat for a very brief moment. After RQ came out and I did my placements it placed me into Plat. Stopped playing my main after that because I do not think that I am Plat. I did not play on my main only doing placements and would always end up Plat. Have not played my main, apart from QP and events ever since RQ came out because I think that I do not deserve it.

Also, I think that the idea of placing everyone in Gold was a good one once this game came out and everyone was new, so it was not bad to actually consider everyone to be somewhere average. At this point in the game it no longer works and Gold ends up being a dumpster of smurfs, Bronze/Silver player on their alt that do not know how to play in Gold and very rarely do you see true Gold players.

However, doing a complete MMR/SR reset would bring more harm than good and it would bring more chaos than the one ppl talk about now.

I also want to point out the fact that once RQ came out, there was some System bug or whatever, where everyone’s SR and MMR did actually reset and you had legit OWL and GM players in Gold. There were Noobhunter clips of literal OWL players placing around 2.3k. Blizzard then suspended Comp for a short while until they resolved the issue. I understand why ppl want an MMR/SR resets, but I most definitely do not want to be facing a 6 stack of GM’s and streamers in my games if that were to happen.

And also MMR/SR reset is most definitely not going to make you play any better than you did before the reset. It will not give you better mechanics, gamesense or teamplay.

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Well I know the difference between MMR and SR, but when you have a fundamental change to the format of the game it makes little to no sense to retain the hidden values. I create an incredibly frustrating experience seeing someone who hasnt played since S11 place and be able to play in my 4100 game and int on CD because theyre washed

Well I know for players within those ranks, smurfing and other SR manipulations are a huge issue, and it deters many players.

As for the MMR/SR reset I do not think a hard reset should apply to frequent and concurrent players, but in higher elos when I have someone who played the game years ago at a gm level and then they come back to do placements and they turbo int the game it doesnt feel good. And what im suggesting is anyone who takes more than a season break (2months+) from competitive play should have there skill level reevaluated.

And rightfully so and MMR/SR reset will not make anyone a better player. My perspective as a concurrent Gm player since 2017, and coach is I see too many players not understand basic concepts of the game such as sniper LOS, or the rock paper scissors of the cooldowns according to new patches. And the most often excuse I get hear is “Bro I dont play this game” or “I havent played in more than ‘x’ amount of seasons”. Im not faulting anyone for losing proficiency at the game due to a lack of play time, but to clarify it is completely unacceptable to have someone place at the top ranks when they havent touched the game since pre role queue without an reevaluation of their current skill level.


You dont need reset for that to create huge chaos for months and throw everyone into one rank.

Simply add certain number of SR/MMR which will player drop based on how long he didnt play but not too much as smurfs would abuse it. Just resonable drop.

Problem solved.

Right that is exactly what I would like to see, some sort of reevaluation of players that have taken extended breaks.

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the reset is long over due. but alas we have no customer service systems so blizzard will never know they have a bunk matchmaker SR in place.

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