MMR RESET ? real or not plz answer

Hello everybody its me ya boy Avrep, So today me and my homies just finish our ranked placement and we got telled that there were a HUGE MMR reset but we didnt get it like my friend Sonert got platinum and me my other friend got silver as usally. Were there really and MMR reset and why that just happened

No MMR reset. There was a small bug that sorta acted like one, kinda, but it was just a bug, and was fixed.

Lmao, it wasn’t fixed. My other account is in low gold due to it. Everyone who played before they took comp offline got screwed over royally because they didn’t reset the placement games.

No MMR Reset because Blizzard doesn’t want people earning rank constantly which means get a rank and never play again till next season.
Most people have stopped caring because the system means nothing.
Spend your time playing a game where the competitive mode matters.

They did for my friend. They were gold, then became masters.

Nope no mmr reset. Hopefully we never get it. :man_shrugging:

An MMR reset is really not an option.



No, they actually place you at the same SR at every role for what you had the previous season. I got placed 3100 SR on tank and there is just no way that i belong there.

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