Ranked is broken

I am a GM playing with gold players. They did something


Just got into a game and everyone was all 4k plus so it seemed fine (someone left) but theres def a problem. Moufin just got a 2300.

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They explicitly said they wouldn’t do a reset, so it’s a bug of some sort. Hopefully they have good backups :confused:

They have gone back on their word in the past so

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I think the game is legit broken right now XD

So much for smooth launch right?


So pro players are placing in gold and then gaining 2 sr a win. Something went very wrong

I litterally had a game against two 4000+ players during my damage placements.

I ended beta at 1800 for damage.

The game was a spawn trap fest - no chance.

Two of my teammates who had unlocked profiles ended season 17 in silver.

I just placed 2385 for damage.

…I honest to goodness can’t aim. I would put me at low silver for damage.

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I just got a game with an 1800 and 4.4 both on my team as 4.3 hahaha

Stop spreading misinformation. It’s a bug, nothing more.

They seriously need to fix this. I placed peak 3404 during beta as support, been thrown in gold.

If they’ve reset mmr, I’ll actually cry. Finally hit t500 xbox just to be sent back to where I started? No thanks.

I was so pumped to start the new role lock season! And now it is on hold. dmn

To be fair, Top500 during beta was kinda a joke. Placing Top500 in the 3000’s shouldn’t be the case.

on the bright side…SEAL CLUBBERS are getting sweet karmatic justice…i had always wished for just 1 day where seal clubbers got some of their own medicine. to bad it didnt last just a bit longer.

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Can people stop bad mouthing MMR reset? Its clearly not a reset if you “research” for 5 seconds and/or have common sense.

I have been low to high plat for many seasons, during the beta and with current placements I’m gold.

Maybe some rogue employee implemented the oh so desired MMR reset, that I’ve been hearing so much about.

this was an hour ago haha ill change title sorry

I ended 4k+ on tank, and i was just playing with golds. Tbh i was kinda autopiloting and didn’t realize till someone specifically pointed out they were gold. They were really nice and communicated and we won the game but this is a real problem for many.

EDIT: It now says competitive is unavailable, they must have shut it down temporarily to fix the issue

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I know, but still it was my highest peak since I started playing competitive back on season 10 nonetheless. And I maintained it before I stopped playing beta, climbing to 370, so it’s not like I lucked out (maybe I did, I honestly don’t know role q threw the system all over the place).

It was still my highest peak tho, t500 or no

Previous GM players are gaining 2 SR as if they are GM but have an actual SR of gold. It is a bug not MMR reset.