it is actually really accurate in this context, the mmr is a complex mathematical construct which is represented by a single number, no matter how accurate that is. my language is fine!
that is completely false
your SR changes every single game that is not a draw, if anything the mmr is changing slower since it has all the previous games “in the backhand” while SR is a game to game thing. when playing at your skill level the SR may fluctuate in a range of maybe ±200 while your mmr stays the same all this time.
you have it the wrong way round, if it was the other way the mmr would somehow know the future and adjust your rating before you even play
You’re flat out wrong in my case. I’m saying MMR reset would be bad and I’m definitely not 20 years or younger!
And I’ll say it again - a MMR reset would be bad.
There’s a massive problem in game of high tier players playing on low tier smurfs and ruining matches for many people. All a MMR reset would do would be to exacerbate that problem.